Discipline: American Literature

How does the New Negro Renaissance represent a watershed era for artists to enter public discourse and fight for social equality? Use a specific creative text (poem, short story or novel) read in class to support your claim.How does the New Negro Renaissance represent a watershed era for artists to enter public discourse and fight for social equality? Use a specific creative text (poem, short story or novel) read in class to support your claim.

In such a short paper, you need to focus on 1 claim. This is an essay, not a book report, which means you should only include in your paper what will advance your argument. Make sure to narrow down the topic, personalize your argument, and use an original argumentative THESIS to guide your paper. In […]

Watch The great Gatsby or the color purple and relate it to « The way to Wealth » choose 3 maxims and align them with a character or characters in either the color purple or the Great Gatsby.Watch The great Gatsby or the color purple and relate it to « The way to Wealth » choose 3 maxims and align them with a character or characters in either the color purple or the Great Gatsby.

1 source is The Northon Anthology Shorter Thenth Edition 2- This is the topic i will use to write an essay for next week 3 Choose 3 of these Maxims from “the way to wealth”. 1)There are no gains without pains”, 2)Do not squatter time, for that’s the stuff life made of,  3) fools  make […]

Write a narrative describing a scene between the father and son after the son wakes up. Be sure to oncorprsye details fro. The text into your narrativeWrite a narrative describing a scene between the father and son after the son wakes up. Be sure to oncorprsye details fro. The text into your narrative

Write a narrative describing a scene between the father and son after the son wakes up. Be sure to oncorprsye details fro. The text into your narrative Write a narrative describing a scene between the father and son after the son wakes up. Be sure to oncorprsye details fro. The text into your narrative Write […]

How did American Literature, during specific time periods, impact American society through the political, economic, religious, and social ideas presented in the literature?How did American Literature, during specific time periods, impact American society through the political, economic, religious, and social ideas presented in the literature?

Essay needs to conform to MLA standards, including double spacing in Times New Roman font, and must include a work cited page with correct in-text citations (Parenthical) for all quotes, paraphrases, and/or summaries.  4 sources minimum; one source must be a peer reviewed, academic source from a reliable database. 2 sources can be used from […]

Analyze the character of Roger Chillingworth. Why does Hawthorne present him the way he does? What does he represent?Analyze the character of Roger Chillingworth. Why does Hawthorne present him the way he does? What does he represent?

Choose one of your previous essays and expand it into a 5-6 page* research paper. After correcting any and all errors on your original paper, you will add three research-sources to assist your analysis. Look for sources about the reading and incorporate them within your original essay.  Only books from our library and scholarly articles […]

Response essay based on rhetorical grounds on Jack London’s short story “Revolution” along with background on Jack LondonResponse essay based on rhetorical grounds on Jack London’s short story “Revolution” along with background on Jack London

London refers to his fellow human beings as “comrades” and “brothers.” The connotations and denotations of these words are warm and empathetic, and that might imply his attitude toward humanity. During your reading, think about what you might ask the author. Starter phrases for this activity are the following: I wonder . . . I […]

FGM, Murder and Struggles for Power, Equity and Fairness, Lies and Deceit, Reformation and Democracy, Gender Equity, etc.FGM, Murder and Struggles for Power, Equity and Fairness, Lies and Deceit, Reformation and Democracy, Gender Equity, etc.

Instructions: Considering the themes present in these works/events, create a full page digital advertisement where you bring attention to challenges and conflicts present in the lives of South Asian OR Middle Eastern people. You may use any tool of your choice including Canva, Google Slides, etc. Then, in a separate document, create a two paragraph […]

Explain and compare how ‘The Story of an hour’ by Kate Choppins and ‘A Rose for emily’ William Faulkner share a literary theme of ‘The Psychological effects of societal expectations and pressures on individualsExplain and compare how ‘The Story of an hour’ by Kate Choppins and ‘A Rose for emily’ William Faulkner share a literary theme of ‘The Psychological effects of societal expectations and pressures on individuals

You will be comparing the two stories I given you and show how they both represent the literary theme I provided. Which is ‘The Psychological effects of societal expectations and pressures on individuals “. It is supposed to also be an argumentative literary analysis. I have attached the way the format must be in a screenshot. […]

Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson and how religion played a major role during her captivityNarrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson and how religion played a major role during her captivity

write a formal literary analysis that delves into one aspect of an assigned work(s) in order to offer a unique interpretation of the story(ies) or narrative(s) (the topic i had chosen is Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson and how religion played a major role during her captivity). You may decide […]

a cumulative comprison of two characters from the posionwood bible looking specificaly at how these characters deal with and are affected by this cross cultural transitiona cumulative comprison of two characters from the posionwood bible looking specificaly at how these characters deal with and are affected by this cross cultural transition

This should be a typical compare and contrast essay start with a good intro to your thesis then back up your arguments with evidence from the book the posionwood bible laid out in well organized body paragraphs your thesis should also contain a strong argument to guide the rest of your essay so don’t just […]