Discipline: American Literature

Research essay of opinions of famous authors that wrote stories after 1945 and by doing this I shall use recitatif Toni Morrison and all the controversies that followResearch essay of opinions of famous authors that wrote stories after 1945 and by doing this I shall use recitatif Toni Morrison and all the controversies that follow

For English 2130, your research project, worth 20% of your final grade, is a short (1200 – 1500 words) essay on a preapproved topic in American literature since 1865. You may not write about a work assigned for class; however, non-assigned works by authors we read for class are acceptable. For example, I would not […]

Engaging Spence’s Knocking the Hustle and Angela Davis’ Blues Legacies, how has neoliberalism changed “the Work song”?Engaging Spence’s Knocking the Hustle and Angela Davis’ Blues Legacies, how has neoliberalism changed “the Work song”?

Engaging Spence’s Knocking the Hustle and Angela Davis’ Blues Legacies, how has neoliberalism changed “the Work song”? To answer this you are encouraged to look at how the hustle/hustler theme and figure has shifted how black labor is understood and recognized. The ONLY songs you can use for this essay (the ones on the syllabus): […]

Blyden Jackson, “The Negro’s Image of the Universe as Reflected in His Fiction”Blyden Jackson, “The Negro’s Image of the Universe as Reflected in His Fiction”

Students should write a one-to-two-page (double-spaced) critical response on one of the readings from the most recent module. The best idea is to write on a reading we have already discussed in class. The assignment will be graded on a scale of 1 to 15 (with 15 being the highest mark given). Each response should […]

literary sources by three authors drawn from our assigned readings up to the essay’s due date,literary sources by three authors drawn from our assigned readings up to the essay’s due date,

Colonial American Literature Your assignment: Choose 3-4 texts to discuss; using at least 2-3 quotes and citations (MLA parenthetical citations are fine) from each text, address the following broad question related to our assigned literary readings: Using our readings, identify ways that early colonial experiences may have challenged existing beliefs. Show how writers adapted ideas, […]