Discipline: American Literature

This week our readings introduce us to conformity and the consquences for not conforming. Why is conformity important and who is important to? Remember that not conforming to societal rules doesn’t always have to be blatantThis week our readings introduce us to conformity and the consquences for not conforming. Why is conformity important and who is important to? Remember that not conforming to societal rules doesn’t always have to be blatant

This week our readings introduce us to conformity and the consquences for not conforming. Why is conformity important and who is important to? Remember that not conforming to societal rules doesn’t always have to be blatant-how do some of our authors or characters refuse to follow along? In your discussion this week name ONE instance […]

Analyze the perception of religion in both Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson. Were they comforted by religious beliefs, or were they questioners?Analyze the perception of religion in both Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson. Were they comforted by religious beliefs, or were they questioners?

The paper should be 4-5 pages long. It must be written in a Microsoft Word document and in MLA style. That means Times-New Roman 12 point font, double spaced and 1 inch margins all around. A proper MLA heading is also expected. Each major point in the paper should be supported by quotations and examples […]

John Winthrop discussed Christian charity in his essay, giving his specific examples of what he believed it meant to be a charitable person when he was alive and writing.John Winthrop discussed Christian charity in his essay, giving his specific examples of what he believed it meant to be a charitable person when he was alive and writing.

For this assignment write response to the following prompt and, in a word document, upload it to the dropbox required. Please address the question, use the text for support, and provide the proper APA format.  Prompt: John Winthrop discussed Christian charity in his essay, giving his specific examples of what he believed it meant to be […]

Is there a theme running through Langston Hughes’ poems? If so, identify the theme(s) using quotes, context, and literary analysis.Is there a theme running through Langston Hughes’ poems? If so, identify the theme(s) using quotes, context, and literary analysis.

Is there a theme running through Langston Hughes’ poems? If so, identify the theme(s) using quotes, context, and literary analysis.   The paper should be 3.5+ pages and include at least three outside sources in addition to the primary texts (the stories themselves or the show). These sources can provide context or assist in literary […]

• Your essay should focus on the importance of representation in children’s literature specific to female gender.• Your essay should focus on the importance of representation in children’s literature specific to female gender.

Content:   Your essay should focus on the importance of representation in children’s literature specific to female gender. The essay must have a clear Three-Point Thesis Statement highlighted. ·      Use at least four articles listed below and use one outside article (no blogs, websites, newspaper/magazine articles, etc.).  A total of five scholarly sources are required.   Remember, your paper must provide analysis of […]

In Search of Authority An Introductory Guide to Literary Theory (Stephen Bonnycastle)In Search of Authority An Introductory Guide to Literary Theory (Stephen Bonnycastle)

The link above is a PDF of the book I referenced in my video lecture. It is titled In Search of Authority by Stephen Bonnycastle. It is a very similar book to Tyson’s Critical Theory Today. Bonnycastle attempts to introduce his readers to the concept of “literary theory,” which is synonymous with critical theory. In essence, they are […]

what social trends did the the writers in iur course observe and how did they call them into question?what social trends did the the writers in iur course observe and how did they call them into question?

One of the main functions of the writer is that of social critic. Please discuss how at least two of the writers we studied this semester have served as social critics. Be specific: what social trends did they observe and how did they call them into question?  Writers discussed throughout the course: Kate Chopin – […]

Please discuss what you believe to be two of Whitman’s chief missions and show specifically how his work attempts to fulfill them with evidence from the texts discussed for the class.Please discuss what you believe to be two of Whitman’s chief missions and show specifically how his work attempts to fulfill them with evidence from the texts discussed for the class.

Few writers have had a stronger sense of mission than Walt Whitman.  In fact, he believed that he had quite a few missions as a poet.  Please discuss what you believe to be two of Whitman’s chief missions and show specifically how his work attempts to fulfill them with evidence from the texts discussed for […]

Langston Hughes’ poem, “I, too” and William Carlos Williams’ poem, “The Red Wheelbarrow,”Langston Hughes’ poem, “I, too” and William Carlos Williams’ poem, “The Red Wheelbarrow,”

Prompt: After reading Langston Hughes’ poem, “I, too” and William Carlos Williams’ poem, “The Red Wheelbarrow,” please identify one common theme you recognize in both poems identified above. After, please provide 2 quoted examples (1 example from each poem identified above) of either imagery or symbolism that reinforce / emphasize said  1 common theme from Hughes’ poem, “I, too” […]

After reading Ernest Hemingway’s short stories, “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place” and “Untitled Paragraph,”After reading Ernest Hemingway’s short stories, “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place” and “Untitled Paragraph,”

Prompt: After reading Ernest Hemingway’s short stories, “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place” and “Untitled Paragraph,” please identify one common theme in both of Hemingway’s works. After, please provide 2 quoted examples (1 from each reading) of imagery, symbolism, or metaphor that reinforce / emphasize said common theme from Hemingway’s short story “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place” and “Untitled Paragraph.” Please explain how […]