Discipline: American Literature

critical analysis paper over Captain John Smiths A General History of Virgina and The Native American Oral Literaturecritical analysis paper over Captain John Smiths A General History of Virgina and The Native American Oral Literature

This a critical analysis paper over Captain John Smiths A General History of Virgina and The Native American Oral Literature: pp. 31-44 in the book  Norton Anthology of American Literature Shorter 10th Edition- Volumes 1 and 2 Author:            Levine, Robert S.  ISBN: (9780393884449) – 10TH ed. (2023) These are due however before the final […]

Choose one of the Federalist Papers (either Hamilton’s or Madison’s) and explain how you see evidence of these ideas in one of the other readings for this week. Be sure to quote from both sources.Choose one of the Federalist Papers (either Hamilton’s or Madison’s) and explain how you see evidence of these ideas in one of the other readings for this week. Be sure to quote from both sources.

FOUNDING A NATION Week 3  Be sure to complete all the readings before posting to this discussion.   Discussion #5 – “Founding a Nation” Choose one of the Federalist Papers (either Hamilton’s or Madison’s) and explain how you see evidence of these ideas in one of the other readings for this week.   Be sure […]

Illusion vs. reality is something that comes up in a lot of literature. We saw some in The Great Gatsby. Pick one aspect of a character’s life, whether it be from the past or the present, and explain how he/she uses illusions to distort their reality.Illusion vs. reality is something that comes up in a lot of literature. We saw some in The Great Gatsby. Pick one aspect of a character’s life, whether it be from the past or the present, and explain how he/she uses illusions to distort their reality.

When you submit your paper, it will test for use of AI generated material and plagiarism. Any AI use will result in an F and the similarity rating looks for use of other sources. Keep that in the area of 30% (you need to use at least two outside sources).  Essay One–Due August 1st at […]

You must have read at least up to Supplementary Record 1 in The Trial of Tempel Anneke (including the introduction).You must have read at least up to Supplementary Record 1 in The Trial of Tempel Anneke (including the introduction).

Purpose Historians often have little to work with when attempting to analyze history.  We cannot interview the players involved, and instead must make do with the evidence that chance has preserved.  In order to get at the information they want, the historian therefore often finds it necessary to ‘read between the lines’, all while armed […]

You must have read at least up to the end of folio 28 in The Trial of Tempel Anneke (including the introduction).You must have read at least up to the end of folio 28 in The Trial of Tempel Anneke (including the introduction).

Purpose Historians often have little to work with when attempting to analyze history.  We cannot interview the players involved, and instead must make do with the evidence that chance has preserved.  In order to get at the information they want, the historian therefore often finds it necessary to ‘read between the lines’, all while armed […]

How does “The Story of an Hour” address (intentionally or not) human rights? In other words, in what way does the story seem to be about individual human rights? How does the story get us to think about rights?How does “The Story of an Hour” address (intentionally or not) human rights? In other words, in what way does the story seem to be about individual human rights? How does the story get us to think about rights?

Start with a 1-2 sentence intro paragraph in which you state the point about the story you would like to prove.  This point should be as specific as possible – “The Story of an Hour” depcis something specific (identify what you want to focus on in the story) about Mrs. Mallard’s situation in order to […]

SCHOLARLY ARTICLE PRESENTATION on Richard Wright, “The Man Who Was Almost a Man” and Both Boy and Man; Neither Boy Nor Man: Liminality in Richard Wright’s “The Man Who Was Almost a Man” by KEVIN BROWNSCHOLARLY ARTICLE PRESENTATION on Richard Wright, “The Man Who Was Almost a Man” and Both Boy and Man; Neither Boy Nor Man: Liminality in Richard Wright’s “The Man Who Was Almost a Man” by KEVIN BROWN

For this assignment, you are asked to give a presentation explaining a scholarly, peer-reviewed article or book chapter on your assigned text and author to your classmates and me. The presentation should be about ten-minutes long. You are very much encouraged to incorporate visuals, such as PowerPoint.  In the presentation, you should explain the  (1) article’s argument (i.e., its […]

colonial Puritans, typology, and covenant theology, also known as the Covenant of Grace.colonial Puritans, typology, and covenant theology, also known as the Covenant of Grace.

Complete some research on your own–using ONLY peer-reviewed sources, NOT Google search sources, about the colonial Puritans, typology, and covenant theology, also known as the Covenant of Grace. Recall that [t]he Puritans employed typology, the practice of using the Bible to understand events in their daily lives; they believed they were re-living Biblical scripture, and […]

Compare and Contrast – “The Gettysburg Address” and “Second Inaugural Address”Compare and Contrast – “The Gettysburg Address” and “Second Inaugural Address”

You will write a comparison / contrast essay of about 600–750 words about “The Gettysburg Address” and “Second Inaugural Address” ( NOT introductions about the author). Focus your paper on a topic linking the texts (writing style, target audience, politics, self-help, humor, advice etc.) rather than trying to cover everything; it is better to say a lot about a little […]

Compare and contrast the representations of Native Americans and their relations with European AmericansCompare and contrast the representations of Native Americans and their relations with European Americans

Choose between the topics below and write a 5-7 page (double spaced) critical essay on the topic that you select. Be sure that the works that you select for this essay are drawn from the literary works that you have been assigned to read this semester.  Do not write about works that we have not read.  […]