Discipline: Anthropology

Resonant Spaces: Unraveling Urban Narratives through Multisensory Digital EthnographyResonant Spaces: Unraveling Urban Narratives through Multisensory Digital Ethnography

Please expand this brief research proposal (RP.docx) into a comprehensive 15-page research framework. Currently, the framework is quite basic and lacks depth. If helpful, please refer to “Forensic Architecture” and utilize their research methods to develop this framework. If a specific scenario is needed as an example, use Vancouver’s Chinatown in Canada.   Some, but […]

Mothers or Grandmothers? Why Do Human (and Some Nonhuman) Females Experience a Postreproductive Stage of Life?Mothers or Grandmothers? Why Do Human (and Some Nonhuman) Females Experience a Postreproductive Stage of Life?

The question concerning why human females experience menopause has plagued evolutionary biologists and anthropologists for a long time. After all, Darwinian evolutionary fitness is all about maximizing reproductive success; why might selection favour females living through a (at times) lengthy life history stage during which there is no possibility of contributing to their reproductive fitness? […]

Forum Posts: post should be a meaningful and engaged question or statement or thought about the class material in this section.Forum Posts: post should be a meaningful and engaged question or statement or thought about the class material in this section.

It is a forum post and you are supposed to review the source and write meaningful essay by inline citations and do thorough discussions Example forum posts is given in the pdf attached.  I want the discussion to be on the following source Clifford Geertz (1973) “Thick Description: Towards an Interpretive Theory of Culture” In The […]

What is Culture? Explain the anthropological concept of “culture.” Explain how anthropologists study, analyze, collect data on “culture.”What is Culture? Explain the anthropological concept of “culture.” Explain how anthropologists study, analyze, collect data on “culture.”

Essay Question: Explain the anthropological concept of “culture.” Explain how anthropologists study, analyze, collect data on “culture.”  Your essay answers must be  a minimum of 500 words not including bibliography. Your answer must use a minimum of three readings from the section “What is Culture?.” You must properly cited your essay (which citation practice is up to the student.) […]

write a briefing 2-3 page summary and reaction essay about 1956 Horace Miner article ” Body Ritual Among the Narcirema “write a briefing 2-3 page summary and reaction essay about 1956 Horace Miner article ” Body Ritual Among the Narcirema “

Write a brief summary of the article in your own words apprimsgrly one page . Don’t have to include every detail but a sufficient amount .  Compose an essay in your own words to elaborate on your reaction to the article at least one page . The reaction portion should contain specific points as opposed […]

Research Paper on UN Goal (SDG 4) and tie that to Enviromental Sustainability. Project and Powerpoint also needed.Research Paper on UN Goal (SDG 4) and tie that to Enviromental Sustainability. Project and Powerpoint also needed.

Explore the UN Sustainable Development Goals website AND research the topic of QUALITY EDUCATION (SGA 4) and link it to environmental sustainability. For this project, you will make links between the UN  Goals and environmental sustainability.  Consider the following questions in your research. Need 8 references and must be minimum 4 pages times new roman double spaced for  this first […]

Explain how the journal articles for this week reflect the reading/lecture of Chapter two.Explain how the journal articles for this week reflect the reading/lecture of Chapter two.

ASSIGNMENT Details/Instructions: This Chapter covers topics that we will be going over again in more detail in future chapters.  However, the first point below should be something you really understand from the reading. What is an evolved psychological mechanism Explain how the journal articles for this week reflect the reading/lecture of Chapter two.  Readings: Chapter […]

Adapting to the Environment: Gravettian Responses to Local Landscape, Climate, and Resource Availability in the European Upper PaleolithicAdapting to the Environment: Gravettian Responses to Local Landscape, Climate, and Resource Availability in the European Upper Paleolithic

Introduction, section about landscape adaptations, section about climate adaptations, section about resource availability/utilization, and then a discussion/conclusion.  Rubric: Topic Is sufficient background provided so that the nature of the subject is clear? Does the student clearly explain the relevance of the subject to human evolution / palaeolithic archaeology? Approach Has the student critically reviewed the […]

Please read an excerpt explaining Academic Integrity policies.explaining your understanding of what constitutes cheating and plagiarism and the proper ways to use your sources.Please read an excerpt explaining Academic Integrity policies.explaining your understanding of what constitutes cheating and plagiarism and the proper ways to use your sources.

Please read an excerpt explaining  Academic Integrity policies (posted under Course Documents). Please provide a 1 page reading response by August 27th, 11.59 PM explaining your understanding of what constitutes cheating and plagiarism and the proper ways to use your sources. Every student in this class must read the assigned document and confirm their understanding […]

How do you think the field and subfields of anthropology are unique among other sciences?How do you think the field and subfields of anthropology are unique among other sciences?

.How do you think the field and subfields of anthropology are unique among other sciences?How do you think the field and subfields of anthropology are unique among other sciences?How do you think the field and subfields of anthropology are unique among other sciences?How do you think the field and subfields of anthropology are unique among […]