Discipline: Anthropology

By analyzing the role of genetics, evolution, and environment in shaping human behavior, the extent to which humans are naturally violent and the factors that contribute to or mitigate violent tendencies are evaluated.By analyzing the role of genetics, evolution, and environment in shaping human behavior, the extent to which humans are naturally violent and the factors that contribute to or mitigate violent tendencies are evaluated.

You can use your own sources as well, but the following must be included in some way: The biology of our best and worst selves – Robert Sapolsky Ted Talk https://www.sapiens.org/culture/humans-violent/ https://www.sapiens.org/culture/human-compassion/ https://www.sapiens.org/culture/evolution-empathy-violence/ Please follow this outline (roughly) I. Introduction Brief overview of the importance of understanding human behavior from a biological perspective Thesis statement: […]

Why do so many people in western societies suffer from obesity: versus eastern societies which have far less problems dealing with obesity?Why do so many people in western societies suffer from obesity: versus eastern societies which have far less problems dealing with obesity?

Create a magazine article describing anthropological research to the public! My topic of choice is “Why do so many people in western societies suffer from obesity: versus eastern societies which have far less problems dealing with obesity?”. My target audience will be non-college student adults. As they tend to be the most affected by high […]

Artificial Intelligence in the Anthropocene: Opportunities and Challenges for Sustainable DevelopmentArtificial Intelligence in the Anthropocene: Opportunities and Challenges for Sustainable Development

add on:  what issues it raises / addresses, list some authors / researchers who have addressed the topic and what they have to say about it. The proposal should also explain why this topic is important, how it addresses concepts from the course, and where you think it could or should go from here. The […]

critical questions on the provided texts (all too human or beyond the human in anthropology)critical questions on the provided texts (all too human or beyond the human in anthropology)

The second resource is not provided as it is a full book- but I will gladly provide a reasonable tip for being able to incorporate a solid analysis of this resource in addition to the one provided- How Forests Think: Toward an Anthropology Beyond the Human by Eduardo Kohn Prompt: What question is addressed by the author(s), […]

critical questions on the provided texts (science and technology in anthropology)critical questions on the provided texts (science and technology in anthropology)

The third resource is not provided as it is a full book- not REQUIRED to include a solid analysis of this resource as well but if you manage that I would certainly tip well: Helmreich, Stefan. 2009. Alien Ocean: Anthropological Voyages in Microbial Seas. Berkeley: University of California Press. Prompt: What question is addressed by […]

Huichol peoples of Mexico. analyze 1) their health situation, 2) what brought it about, and 3) how is it affecting their cultural cohesion in terms of something like language preservation or living in their home communitiesHuichol peoples of Mexico. analyze 1) their health situation, 2) what brought it about, and 3) how is it affecting their cultural cohesion in terms of something like language preservation or living in their home communities

PAPER: Each student will prepare a class paper with seven numbered pages of text, double-spaced, plus title page and bibliography, on a topic of his or her choice. Instructor’s approval of topic is required, however, and timely preparation of the paper is encouraged. All papers will be submitted on 20 April, and in no event […]

The Transition from Hunter Gatherers in southeast Asia to Agricultural Societies: Effects on Social StructuresThe Transition from Hunter Gatherers in southeast Asia to Agricultural Societies: Effects on Social Structures

This hypothesis-oriented research paper will be your chance to apply what you have learned this semester to a question related to hunter-gatherers within an evolutionary framework. You will write your paper in scientific format. Note that there are many differences between scientific papers and the typical “term paper” for, say, an English class. Your paper […]

Demonstrate an understanding on Joshua Frank’s (2003) article on natural selection in economic behaviorDemonstrate an understanding on Joshua Frank’s (2003) article on natural selection in economic behavior

Summarize Joshua Frank’s (2003) article on natural selection in economic behavior. Make sure you address tease out his main point or hypothesis, its implications for human economic behavior, and why he believes the way he does. Then, provide an example or a few examples of businesses operating in a way that conforms to Frank’s hypothesis […]