Discipline: Anthropology

Archeology – Construct a phylogeny for hominins that lived from about 7 million years ago to anatomically modern Homo sapiensArcheology – Construct a phylogeny for hominins that lived from about 7 million years ago to anatomically modern Homo sapiens

Construct a phylogeny for hominins that lived from about 7 million years ago (i.e., pre-australopiths) to anatomically modern Homo sapiens and defend the rationale behind each decision. You must explain why you think each hominin is (or is not) ancestral to later hominins. You must explain why or why not you think particular hominins were […]

Summarize author’s main point. Give assessment of whether the argument is sound or not. Explain why you think so.Summarize author’s main point. Give assessment of whether the argument is sound or not. Explain why you think so.

Pick an article from the syllabus. It can be from any class, including those we have not yet covered. In 2 double-spaced pages (approximately 350-500 words), summarize the author’s main point and how they support it. Then give your assessment of whether the argument is sound or not. Explain why you think so. Papers should be typed, […]

We took measurements of fourteen different spicemen and for the report we must summarise and talk about our findings; these findings include the cognitive abilities, diet, and facial appearance of thess creaturesWe took measurements of fourteen different spicemen and for the report we must summarise and talk about our findings; these findings include the cognitive abilities, diet, and facial appearance of thess creatures

All I have to do is talk about each spicemen, compare and contrast them in relation to cogitive abilities, diet and facial appearence. I will attach pictures of the lab instructions which basically has all the information needed. I will also attatch some notes we took from our measurements which is a good exmaple of […]

How age discrimination against middle-aged people in China’s workplace affects their lives todayHow age discrimination against middle-aged people in China’s workplace affects their lives today

Topic:ageism / Middle-aged people’s difficulties in re-employment in China arguments: In China’s current job market, how does age discrimination affect middle-aged re-employed people? the paper includes five parts: 1. introduction 1st sentence: Hook (expert quote OR testimony OR statement that hooks the reader’s attention) 2nd: introductory sentence(s) – introduce importance of the topic (general) 3rd: Connection […]

Research paper-California Missions/Junipero Serra/Historical Archaeology-New storyResearch paper-California Missions/Junipero Serra/Historical Archaeology-New story

This is my thesis idea: The story and romance of the California missions and Junipero Serra have buried story/stories that are coming to light today. How does this change how the public is informed and how the history of the California missions and Junipero Serra are to be taught and remembered? The California missions were […]

ANTH-2346 Medicalize ItANTH-2346 Medicalize It

Learning Goal: I’m working on a anthropology multi-part question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. See attached instruction(Activity 3_Medicalize It Questions.docx). I have attcahed other resources if needed. Please do well descriptive answer to the question so I can get full marks.

forces of evolution part 2forces of evolution part 2

Learning Goal: I’m working on a anthropology writing question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. For this assignment, I want you to be able to describe the four forces of evolution using only the textbook, video discussion, and videos assigned in this module. TEXTBOOK CH 4 https://pressbooks-dev.oer.hawaii.edu/explorations… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TG-nwQBBfmc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8vYSiKE3E4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LyRA807djLc&t=1s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hp123flyH8I […]

Information As a ResourceInformation As a Resource

Learning Goal: I’m working on a anthropology discussion question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. Dissanayake argues that in art, the ordinary is made extraordinary through the use of exaggeration and embellishment. Mithen, too, discusses the use of exaggeration in art. He notes that, in the Upper Paleolithic art of Western […]