Discipline: Anthropology

PROJECT 1: Universal Design and Access, Spotlight: Access Legibility in BulgariaPROJECT 1: Universal Design and Access, Spotlight: Access Legibility in Bulgaria

PROJECT 1: Universal Design and Access, Spotlight: Access Legibility in Bulgaria Due on Turnitin by Tuesday, June 13 TL; DR: Review a 3-D model of a cool Bulgarian museum and build an accessibility user guide and/or evaluate the museum website for accessibility.   Directions Recalling the work you completed for the Second Making Connections activity, […]

Reflect on the systemic structures of inequality underlying global warming that Baer and Singer examine in Global Warming and the Political Ecology of Health then answer the following questionsReflect on the systemic structures of inequality underlying global warming that Baer and Singer examine in Global Warming and the Political Ecology of Health then answer the following questions

·   Instructions attached including discussion to respond to with 200 words.     Attention to the prompt: Be sure to respond to all parts of the prompt and questions given. Reference the prompt and questions in your response so your contribution to the discussion is clear to other students. ·         Inclusion of course materials: Engagement with […]

Biological anthropology : Which of the three aspects of primate social systems discussed in lecture is represented in the image above? Compare and contrast the social system shown with that of other primate species.Biological anthropology : Which of the three aspects of primate social systems discussed in lecture is represented in the image above? Compare and contrast the social system shown with that of other primate species.

ESSAY QUESTION :  Which of the three aspects of primate social systems discussed in lecture is represented in the image above? Compare and contrast the social system shown with that of other primate species. 700 words please I have attatched the image that the question is referring to, please use information from the attatched documents […]

how the shift to agriculture, which took place only 10,000 years ago, has dramatically increased our success (in terms of survival and reproduction) as a species.how the shift to agriculture, which took place only 10,000 years ago, has dramatically increased our success (in terms of survival and reproduction) as a species.

For our final discussion, please consider how the shift to agriculture, which took place only 10,000 years ago, has dramatically increased our success (in terms of survival and reproduction) as a species.  Although our transition from foraging and hunting to agriculture has allowed us to grow exponentially as a population, there are many costs that […]

Write a critical essay reflecting on how the film “Gather: The Fight to Revitalize Our Foodways” illuminates on the concept of food sovereigntyWrite a critical essay reflecting on how the film “Gather: The Fight to Revitalize Our Foodways” illuminates on the concept of food sovereignty

Write a critical essay reflecting on how the film “Gather: The Fight to Revitalize Our Foodways” illuminates the concept of food sovereignty. The film response should be between 2 -3 pages long, double-spaced, using 12-point font with 1” margins, and should not exceed 800 words. The response should not be a summary of the film, but […]

Write a 4 page paper incorporating three sources and two films. Instructions will be posted below along with readings and films.Write a 4 page paper incorporating three sources and two films. Instructions will be posted below along with readings and films.

Write 4-5 pages (1-inch margins, Times New Roman, 12pt font, double spaced) on this week’s films and readings of your choice.  Please incorporate Cameraperson and at least one other film supported by at least three readings.  You may mix and match (i.e., you do not have to use the readings originally assigned with the film).  The goal is to synthesize what […]

What are your thoughts on the capitalist world system and its association with global warming/climate change?What are your thoughts on the capitalist world system and its association with global warming/climate change?

What are your thoughts on the capitalist world system and its association with global warming/climate change? Do you think global capitalism is the primary culprit for global warming/climate change? Why or why not? Provide a solid argument in defense of capitalism as the most ideal economic system that can and should be used for the […]

explore American foodways related to the Thanksgiving holiday, and compare and contrast them to the foodways of one named society of your choosing among foragers, horticulturalists, or pastoralists.explore American foodways related to the Thanksgiving holiday, and compare and contrast them to the foodways of one named society of your choosing among foragers, horticulturalists, or pastoralists.

For your Week 3 paper, explore American foodways related to the Thanksgiving holiday, and compare and contrast them to the foodways of one named society of your choosing among foragers, horticulturalists, or pastoralists.    •    To remind you, foodways are described on page 97 of Chapter 5 in the textbook.    •    What […]

The Different Source of Variation in Gender Roles between the !Kung and YanomamoThe Different Source of Variation in Gender Roles between the !Kung and Yanomamo

Explain and analyse the difference in gender roles between the !Kung and Yanomamo by comparing the variation of their culture, ecology, genetics, and life history.  Information from (Shostak, M., 1981, Nisa: The Life and Words of a !Kung Woman, Harvard University Press, United States of America.) and  (Chagnon, N.A., 1991, Yąnomamö, Wadsworth Cengage Learning.)  is […]

Essay Prompt: Refute the notion of race as a biological category applicable to humansEssay Prompt: Refute the notion of race as a biological category applicable to humans

Write a essay according to the prompt and attached instructions. Essay can only be written useing the attached sosources. Must have all aspects of APA Paper and include reference page. The Sources, Paper format and everything else must be written according to APA guidelines. Everything needed to write the essay is attatched below