Discipline: Anthropology

“What was the significance of the Neolithic “revolution” for the development of civilisation in the Southwest Asia? To what extent was the transition to Neolithic lifeways a consequence of climatic variability?”“What was the significance of the Neolithic “revolution” for the development of civilisation in the Southwest Asia? To what extent was the transition to Neolithic lifeways a consequence of climatic variability?”

This assessment will require you to synthesise and critique both data and theory from a range of disciplines to evaluate the role of climate and landscape on the development of civilisation in southwest Asia. Be sure to include lots of detail of both archaeological and palaeoclimatic evidence. MUST include the references provided and discussed in […]

choose one specific topic related to paleolithic (the stone age) culture and conduct research on itchoose one specific topic related to paleolithic (the stone age) culture and conduct research on it

You can choose one of the topics listed below or determine your own topic. (However, if you pick your own topic, please check it with me first). The Venus figurines Mammoth bone dwellings Neanderthal burials—did they have religion? The evolution of dogs with humans Evolution of laughing and smiling Kennewick man controversy Lescaux or Le […]

Observe Ape and Baboon, compare their behaviors to each other and then discuss how this might help us to understand human behavior.Observe Ape and Baboon, compare their behaviors to each other and then discuss how this might help us to understand human behavior.

Your final paper should be written in formal academic style, with a clear introduction stating the thesis and purpose of the paper, a body and a strong conclusion summarizing your thesis and the results of your observations. Section 1: Intro and Primate Descriptions For Section 1 of the body of your paper, describe very clearly […]

The topic of my paper will be the Western misconception of how the importance of cow love in India is impractical or harmful to the Indian people.The topic of my paper will be the Western misconception of how the importance of cow love in India is impractical or harmful to the Indian people.

: Write a 1500–2000-word paper (approximately 6–8 double-spaced pages) that is an             expository essay which summarizes a selected reading. • Harris, Marvin. (1991 [1974]) Cows, Pigs,  Wars, and Witches: The Riddles of Culture. New York: Vintage. Make the case that the thesis is the best “boiling down” of the […]

Compare the impact of drought on pastoralists of the borana in Ethiopia and the Navajo tribes in AmericaCompare the impact of drought on pastoralists of the borana in Ethiopia and the Navajo tribes in America

objective write a 6-8 page MLA formatted research paper comparing the impacts of climate change or anything truamatic event such as war, COVID, political conflict at national level or one of your suggestionon 2 historically marginalized cultural groups using 2 anthropological terms from this semester and a specific climate change concept. if one group is […]

Our Understanding of Migration Patterns and Ancestry in Europe During the Neolithic-Bronze AgeOur Understanding of Migration Patterns and Ancestry in Europe During the Neolithic-Bronze Age

OBJECTIVE In this essay you will discuss how methodological advances can enhance or change our understanding of past events and consider how our ideas about the past affect attitudes and beliefs today. PROMPT Using only the articles listed below, write a 1000 (minimum) – 1250 word essay that answers the following question: How have recent methodological advances […]


Topic: After you look through the UNESCO World Heritage website (intangible heritage: https://ich.unesco.org/dive/sdg/?fbclid=IwAR1ShmgpvdSYpL7vPrEF9neynysPdCIs2OmxJ9gurrH7QequXQ1r48SJnPMLinks to an external site. and physical sites: https://whc.unesco.org/en/list/Links to an external site.), find one of them that you find interesting and write your paper on that portion of heritage. Explore this topic in an academic manner with the attempt to explain a particular portion of […]

primate term paper- begin writing after going through primate powerpoints and chaper 7primate term paper- begin writing after going through primate powerpoints and chaper 7

My topic will be on  The Evolution of Primate Olfaction and Vision Discuss the changes which took place in olfaction (smelling ability) and vision through primate evolution.  Include prognathism (jutting out of lower face), placement of eyes on the head, stereoscopic vision, and color vision in your discussion.  Elaborate on the evolutionary modifications and some […]

compare the impact of drought on the pastoralists of the Borana in Ethiopia and the Navajo tribes in America.compare the impact of drought on the pastoralists of the Borana in Ethiopia and the Navajo tribes in America.

Write introduction to research paper using 1. Attention grabber 2.description of issue/research question using anthropological terms 3. Description of participants or population ( country age, gender, possibly class) 4. State time period ( contemporary, historical, specifically colonial) 5. Describe research methods: comparative research,  presence of any original ethnographic materials ( people speaking for themselves) or […]