Discipline: Anthropology

The goal of this exercise is to observe a ‘cultural scene’ as an anthropologist wouldThe goal of this exercise is to observe a ‘cultural scene’ as an anthropologist would

Choose a time and location for where/when you are going to conduct your observations of an ethnographic scene (mall, public transportation, coffee shop, etc.).  Write a 4-6 page paper about your observations   Your paper should:  Include a ‘thick description’ of the location with clear detail of your observations Analyze your observations, identifying and defining four anthropological concepts that fit your […]

What were the earliest human migrations out of Africa, and how did these migrations influence the development of early human societies in other regions of the world?What were the earliest human migrations out of Africa, and how did these migrations influence the development of early human societies in other regions of the world?

Hello, this is an academic research paper on the topic of “What were the earliest human migrations out of Africa, and how did these migrations influence the development of early human societies in other regions of the world?”. Please use the 5 references in the paper that I cited under my Research Cited page in […]

Writing Assignment 4 – Archaic Humans Symbolic Behavior & Reproductive InterminglingWriting Assignment 4 – Archaic Humans Symbolic Behavior & Reproductive Intermingling

Brief introductory paragraph that introduces the examples you will be discussing. (5 pts) Specific details for at least two different symbolic or ritual practices including name of archaic group(s), site location(s) and general time frame. (20 pts) Evidences for reproductive intermingling between populations. (5 pts) Discuss why you chose the examples you’ve written about. In […]

Why has COVID-19 impacted Indigenous, Black, and Latinx communities more than others?Why has COVID-19 impacted Indigenous, Black, and Latinx communities more than others?

The sources are already cited but I am having trouble making sure they are cited properly.  I am attaching a PDF with notes on what issues need correcting.  I am also attaching a rubric along with the thesis.   This literature review should include a proper citation of the source, followed by a brief summary (at […]

compare and contrast female goddesses and their representation of femininity and the ways in which it distinguishescompare and contrast female goddesses and their representation of femininity and the ways in which it distinguishes

 The paper should be approximately 2500 words (10 pages) in length, not including works cited list. Papers must adhere to MLA documentation format and be presented in 10- or 12-point font with one-inch margins.  TOPIC: Across various mythological traditions, we see female characters (goddesses, heroines, female-gendered monsters represented in various was. and to various meanings […]

How Latinx Identity is Portrayed in “When I was Puerto Rican” by Esmeralda SantiagoHow Latinx Identity is Portrayed in “When I was Puerto Rican” by Esmeralda Santiago

Examine the novel “When I was Puerto Rican” by Esmeralda Santiago, and argue how it takes a hemispheric approach portraying and representing Hispanic, Latino, or Latinx identity. Use six peer reviewed sources to help support your argument. Please use 12 pt. font and MLA style when preparing your essay. 

anthrophology project : the practices and values that shape a “traditional” Chinese identity.anthrophology project : the practices and values that shape a “traditional” Chinese identity.

This project will involve primary field research and original writing. In class we will have several workshops related to the project including a brief project proposal, a field notes exercise, writing descriptive essays, and writing analytical and reflective essays. You can present your final ethnography in: A written Ethnography- The pieces will evolve into a […]

Read Witchcraft, Oracles, and Magic Among the Azande by E.E. Evans-Pritchard. Write a summary of the ethnography and discuss five elements from the Culture Web that were important in the ethnography.Read Witchcraft, Oracles, and Magic Among the Azande by E.E. Evans-Pritchard. Write a summary of the ethnography and discuss five elements from the Culture Web that were important in the ethnography.

Read the article and write a summary of the ethnography and discuss 5 elements from the culture web that were important in the ethnography. Bold and underline the elements of culture from the culture web in the paper. Make sure that you cite the enthography.  Culture web topics to pick from: clothing, identity, power, worldview, […]

You will be writing an essay on a human primate (Western Lowland Gorilla) you will be discussing its Scientific name, Distribution, Physical appearance, Diet, Behavior patterns, Social system, Locomotion, Conservation status, and threatsYou will be writing an essay on a human primate (Western Lowland Gorilla) you will be discussing its Scientific name, Distribution, Physical appearance, Diet, Behavior patterns, Social system, Locomotion, Conservation status, and threats

You will be writing an essay on a human primate the Western Lowland Gorilla you will be discussing its Scientific name, Distribution, Physical appearance, Diet, Behavior patterns, Social system, Locomotion, Conservation status, and threats througought this essay. The paper needs to in MLA Typed (11 or 12 point font), Double-spaced. Default margin settings (approx. 1” top/bottom 1” left/right), The paper […]