Discipline: Architecture and Design

Islam architectureIslam architecture

In your opinion what makes Islamic architectural interiors so unique in comparisson to other architectural periods you have studied so far? compare islamic architecture to Greek, Roman, Mesopotamia and Egyptian architecture  use book as reference. Book attached  book: history of interior design by Jeannie Ireland  250 words

monkey martmonkey mart

You run a grocery store as a sociable monkey in the game Monkey Market. Your mission is to cultivate fruit and travel between stations in order to stock your stands with various goods, such as bananas and maize. As you go through the game, you’ll gain access to additional items for purchase. Consumers will pick […]

Basketball StarsBasketball Stars

You can play Basketball Stars, a free 2-player online basketball game featuring all your favorite NBA players, right now. Enjoy some one-on-one or two-on-two contests with your favorite egocentric sports celebrities. Choose a squad and a hero player, then race against the clock to outscore your rival and claim victory in each round. You can […]


Understanding Aesthetics in Caribbean Art  Read “Caribbean Art in Dialogue: Connecting Narratives in Wrestling with the Image” by Marta Fernandez Campa. Look through the “Wrestling with the Image: Caribbean Interventions” catalog, choose an artwork (from the options below) and write a critical response.

Discussion art nouveau sachplakat and foundations are of 20th c.designDiscussion art nouveau sachplakat and foundations are of 20th c.design

After reading Chapters 11 and 12 again discuss what you found most intriguing in the chapters, including at least one of these ideas: Consider, how different varieties of the Art Nouveau general style developed in different countries. Did you have a favorite and why? What do you think about the idea that design and art should […]

Khám phá cơ sở vật chất tại Mỹ thuật đa phương tiện FPT Arena Đội CấnKhám phá cơ sở vật chất tại Mỹ thuật đa phương tiện FPT Arena Đội Cấn

  FPT Arena 264 Đội Cấn hiện nay đang nằm trong top những ngôi trường dạy thiết kế đồ họa hay mỹ thuật đa phương tiện phổ biến và lâu năm. Sau một thời gian bị ảnh hưởng bởi đại dịch Covid giờ đã được hoàn thiện cơ sở vật chất với một diện mạo […]