Discipline: Behavioral Science and Human Development


Now that you are familiar with a variety of instructional approaches, related behavior-analytic theories, and underlying principles of behavior, it is your turn to innovate! Use what you have learned to expand on, combine, or discuss a novel behavior-analytic approach to teaching. This may be a completely new way of teaching, informed by a gap […]

“Exploration of Resilience and its Relationship to Postpartum Outcomes of Teenage Mothers’ in Mississippi.”“Exploration of Resilience and its Relationship to Postpartum Outcomes of Teenage Mothers’ in Mississippi.”

This NIH protocol template was created to guide investigators through thesystematic development of a comprehensive clinical protocol, especially forinvestigators less familiar with the information and level of detail expected in aclinical protocol. Finally, this protocol template may be a useful tool foranticipating decision-points and potential challenges before a study launches, sothat comprehensive planning ensures smooth […]

The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health in young adults-Grant Proposal Literature Review SourcesThe Impact of Social Media on Mental Health in young adults-Grant Proposal Literature Review Sources

I am having to write a  Grant Proposal Literature Review. The topic is The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health in young adults. I am looking for assistance with finding a  Minimum of five scholarly sources. This must include no more than two review articles and a minimum of three primary research articles.  When […]

Counseling Needs, Help-Seeking Behaviors, and Obstacles Faced by Veterans: A Literature ReviewCounseling Needs, Help-Seeking Behaviors, and Obstacles Faced by Veterans: A Literature Review

Write a sample Literature review in APA 7th ed. formatted paper addressing the counseling needs, help-seeking behaviors, and common obstacles faced by that cultural group. At least 5 references must be identified and summarized that were published within the past 7 years, with at least 3 being research articles (Two may come from books or […]

Literature review on Topic How might I increase my resiliency as a leader when faced with a crisisLiterature review on Topic How might I increase my resiliency as a leader when faced with a crisis

Relevant Literature Related to your Inquiry (750 – 1000 words):This section should begin with a brief (one paragraph) overview that introduces two to four topics (note: we recommend two topics for ELPs) that are relevant/significant to your capstone, and offer a brief rationale about how these topics relate to your inquiry project questions and opportunity.  […]

how the impact of Tramatic birth causes postpartum depression and postpartum PTSDhow the impact of Tramatic birth causes postpartum depression and postpartum PTSD

My literature review and methodology have been completed and need to be revised. i will attach things that need to be fixed below. Literature review: This is a good start to your literature review. Your paper is well written. A few comments: 1. Make sure you have an introductory paragraph to introduce your topic and […]

Promoting Accessibility and Inclusion of American Sign Language in the Cochlear EraPromoting Accessibility and Inclusion of American Sign Language in the Cochlear Era

This essay should provide solutions to ASL inaccessibility in the era of hearing aids. ASL was proven to be better for the deaf people. My current paper is about 500 words (without works cited page), I want a total of 1200 words minimnum (without works cited page). Use academic English and replace all basic words/sentences. Please […]

The symbolism of the clay in this short story represents the reminder of catastrophe and how this occupation has a direct effect on the mental health of reporters.The symbolism of the clay in this short story represents the reminder of catastrophe and how this occupation has a direct effect on the mental health of reporters.

I have wrote out my thesis staement so please use this: The symbolism of the clay in this short story represents the reminder of catastrophe and how this occupation has a direct effect on the mental health of reporters. For this outline, please format your outline in the following manner:   Title   Introduction Thesis Statement: […]

Milestone Three Human Resources Workforce Plan Recommendations Guidelines and RubricMilestone Three Human Resources Workforce Plan Recommendations Guidelines and Rubric

Overview The final project for this course is the creation of a human resources workforce plan on a company of your choice (approved by your instructor). The current state of the chosen organization’s workforce will be examined and plans to meet organizational goals will be detailed. The workforce plan will describe the process that a […]