Discipline: Biology - Anatomy

Transmission of MicrobesTransmission of Microbes

  Homework Content Transmission of Microbes The method in which an infectious agent transfers from one organism to another. This can occur by either direct transmission (direct contact between infectious host and susceptible host) or indirect transmission (which involves an intermediate carrier). Direct transmission is defined as person-to-person transmission of infectious agents through contact. Indirect transmission includes […]

Human Anatomy Discussion PostHuman Anatomy Discussion Post

View TED TALK STROKE 1. No later than Wednesday post a SUBSTANTIVE INITIAL RESPONSE of your opinion of this video  Failure to post a Timely Substantial Initial Response -10 for lateness, -10 for incompleteness/lack of substance Poor posts (Ex. “That’s great!” “Really liked your post”) will receive zero points. You are to provide thoughtful posts […]