Discipline: Biology

Ecology- Looking at different trees species in 4 different Forest (2 Wetland and 2 upland) with data includedEcology- Looking at different trees species in 4 different Forest (2 Wetland and 2 upland) with data included

*There is a lot of data to look at.*  I have the 8 sources you can use and the format for the paper in a document that is uploaded. You may use different sources if needed. All instructions are in the documents uploaded (Forest Characterizations.doc, Forest Lab_notes on Methods Fall 2022.docx, and Community Composition of […]

PowerPoint presentation with visuals please read the teachers instructions the outline I uploaded is only if you want to look at it but the PowerPoint needs to address everything in the detailed instructions, last slide should be a references slidePowerPoint presentation with visuals please read the teachers instructions the outline I uploaded is only if you want to look at it but the PowerPoint needs to address everything in the detailed instructions, last slide should be a references slide

BIO212 MICROBIOLOGY FINAL PRESENTATION EXPECTATIONS AND GUIDELINES You have been asked to prepare an educational presentation to a public health class for high school students. Your presentation will delve in-depth into one particular epidemic disease caused by a microorganism. ****** CHOLERA is the topic***** Your presentation should include all of the following aspects of this […]

Follow the given instruction and continue writing in my given paper only. (expand my paper with following instruction)Follow the given instruction and continue writing in my given paper only. (expand my paper with following instruction)

   1) It must be typed and double-spaced. There is no required length, but it is unlikely that you will be able to summarize any major area of research in less than around 3000 – 4000 words. 2) Every time you describe someone else’s research findings, you must provide a citation. Examples include: “Smith et […]

The scientist can be from anywhere in the world but must be related to working with sustainability, environmental change, or climate change.The scientist can be from anywhere in the world but must be related to working with sustainability, environmental change, or climate change.

The scientist can be from anywhere in the world but must be related to working with sustainability, environmental change, or climate change.  Answer the following questions about the scientist you have chosen: Introduce their work. Who are they? What do they do? What is their professional and academic experience? What makes their work so special […]

. How do we support our farmers, especially sustainable farms that receive less support from our government, to keep our food production in line with our population’s needs and wants?. How do we support our farmers, especially sustainable farms that receive less support from our government, to keep our food production in line with our population’s needs and wants?

Introduction: Introduce yourself and identify your class and section Outline the issue- what is the topic, why you selected it, and the importance and relevance of the topic to the environment and the local region. ​Body: What are the causative agents? ​​What are short-term impacts (human and environmental)? ​​What are long-term impacts (human and environmental)? […]

Choose an endangered AND threatened species (two separate species in total) living in Florida.Choose an endangered AND threatened species (two separate species in total) living in Florida.

Choose an endangered AND threatened species (two separate species in total) living in Florida. Provide information on the organism, including its name, native ecosystem/location, and diet. What has caused its threatened or endangered status? Provide numbers such as population stats and location within Florida. What community or state efforts are there to protect this species? […]

Identifying Transitions and Trajectories in Cell Identity as a result of treatment/conditions using single cell profiling.Identifying Transitions and Trajectories in Cell Identity as a result of treatment/conditions using single cell profiling.

Formatting Guidelines. Please use 12pt font (Arial, Calibri or Times New Roman), single spacing with 0.5 inch borders. Figures and tables should be embedded within text (wrap text to the figures and tables). References should be numbered in the order in which they appear and inserted using a bibliography software (please let me know if […]


https://www.ted.com/talks/steven_allison_earth_s_original_inhabitants_and_their_role_in_combating_climate_change In this video, ecologist Steven Allison discusses the role microbiomes may play in helping solve climate change. After watching the video, prepare your initial post. In your first paragraph, answer the following questions: What are your thoughts about this video? Which of the microbial processes or roles presented in the video do you think […]

Scientific Literacy 2: Data Analysis ( Collagen III and Squamous Cell Carcinoma )Scientific Literacy 2: Data Analysis ( Collagen III and Squamous Cell Carcinoma )

CELL BIOLOGY This portion of the writing assignment asks you to analyze the figures from the Scientific Literacy paper that is assigned. Note that the full PDF has been provided and there is a walkthrough video as well (find those resources here). MAJOR FINDINGS/QUESTIONS TO ADDRESS:  1. Describe what changes in the ECM are seen […]