Discipline: Biology

how would you vote? should the results of genetic testing be protected under privacy lawhow would you vote? should the results of genetic testing be protected under privacy law

Chapter 14: HOW WOULD YOU VOTE? Should the results of genetic tests be protected under privacy law? Diagnostic tests that can detect mutations in genes associated with various diseases and medical conditions are proliferating rapidly. Because environmental factors can influence the development and progression of many conditions, people with a positive result might be able […]

Describe the reproductive systems with explanation of the menstrual cycle, hormones’ role , fertilization, body changes, foetus development and pre-birth events.Describe the reproductive systems with explanation of the menstrual cycle, hormones’ role , fertilization, body changes, foetus development and pre-birth events.

An essay to describe the reproductive systems, explain the menstrual cycle, role of hormones, fertilization, changes in the body, development of the foetus and the events of birth. Guidance notes: This assignment should be at least 1500 words in length. Describe the male and female reproductive systems including: i. The structure ii.The function Explain the […]

Critical evaluation -Role of HIV-specific CD8+ T cells in pediatric HIV cure strategies after widespread early viral escapeCritical evaluation -Role of HIV-specific CD8+ T cells in pediatric HIV cure strategies after widespread early viral escape

This assignment builds on the critical evaluation skills you have been using throughout the semester. Choose a paper (different than ones you have used previously in this or other current issues courses) that you plan on using for your final presentation project. Focus on one figure in that paper and discuss the methods used (are […]

Development of Scientific Concepts by Scientific Observation and DNA Fingerprinting AnalysisDevelopment of Scientific Concepts by Scientific Observation and DNA Fingerprinting Analysis

The assignment is a written “essay” with 5 paragraphs (if you include an introductory paragraph) including the following elements. o Write one paragraph explaining the process and goal of DNA fingerprinting as done in the lab o Read a provided scientific paper and describe in one paragraph the author’s point of view on the ethics […]

Please make around 8 slides on the topic and a short script for the presentationPlease make around 8 slides on the topic and a short script for the presentation

Instructions:  What do I need to submit? You will submit two (2) files: Presentation slides (.pdf format only) Presentation script (.doc, .docx, or .pdf format)  IMPORTANT: Do not use the SARS-CoV-2 virus (i.e. the virus that causes COVID-19 disease) for this assignment as it will be covered in class. Any other pathogen is acceptable Part […]

Paper Analysis for “Cannabinoid receptor expression in non small cell lung cancer. Effectiveness of tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol inhibiting cell proliferation and epithelial mesenchymal transition in vitroPaper Analysis for “Cannabinoid receptor expression in non small cell lung cancer. Effectiveness of tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol inhibiting cell proliferation and epithelial mesenchymal transition in vitro

You need to write the introduciton, abtract, and cover page for a paper analysis for the paper Im attaching below.  It needs to cover all of the most important topics in the paper and it needs to explain all the explicit concepts in a way that upper 400 level biology students can understand.  It needs […]

PWID, Heterosexual Individuals, and MSM and, within 250 words, discuss the risk behaviors associated with these specific populations that increase the incidence rates of HIV cases in an area.PWID, Heterosexual Individuals, and MSM and, within 250 words, discuss the risk behaviors associated with these specific populations that increase the incidence rates of HIV cases in an area.

Choose a specific population below such as PWID, Heterosexual Individuals, and MSM and, within 250 words, discuss the risk behaviors associated with these specific populations that increase the incidence rates of HIV cases in an area. Use a credible reference cited APA style to justify your explanation. Choose a specific population below such as PWID, […]

Quản lý tài chính doanh nghiệp chiến lược và phương pháp hiệu quảQuản lý tài chính doanh nghiệp chiến lược và phương pháp hiệu quả

<p><em><strong>Tài chính là một trong những yếu tố quan trọng nhất trong hoạt động buôn bán của tổ chức. Để đạt được sự thành công và phát triển bền vững, doanh nghiệp bắt buộc phải quản lý tài chính một bí quyết hiệu quả và có chiến lược phù hợp. Trong bài viết này, doanh […]

Microbial-Based Products to Control Soil-Borne Pathogens: Methods to Improve Efficacy and to Assess Impacts on MicrobiomeMicrobial-Based Products to Control Soil-Borne Pathogens: Methods to Improve Efficacy and to Assess Impacts on Microbiome

Microbial-Based Products to Control Soil-Borne Pathogens: Methods to Improve Efficacy and to Assess Impacts on Microbiome Introduction – significance of the research topic (background information)c. Determine the objective(s) of the studyd. Explain briefly how they did the experiment (what and how they did theexperiment, one or two slides)e. Their results must be included in the […]

Discuss critically on the following tools and their application in biological research: the Stereo microscope, compound microscope, transmission electron microscope and the scanning electron microscope.Discuss critically on the following tools and their application in biological research: the Stereo microscope, compound microscope, transmission electron microscope and the scanning electron microscope.

Rubric: Length: 7-8 pages; double space (excluding the title and reference pages) ❖ 1” margin on all four sides ❖ 12-point Regular Times New Roman or Arial font (scientific names must be either in italics or underline; biological species names must be in Binomial Nomenclature format) ❖ Should not have more than 2 misspelled words […]