Discipline: Biology

Recent warming causes functional borealization and diversity loss in deep fish communities east of GreenlandRecent warming causes functional borealization and diversity loss in deep fish communities east of Greenland

 • Write an effective summary which allows the reader to have a clear understanding of the original article (10 points;  do not plagiarize);  • Discuss its importance to conservation biology (5 points); and  • Apply to The Bahamas (5 points) 800+ Words  https://www.jstor.org/stable/48687103?searchText=conservation+biology&searchUri=%2Faction%2FdoBasicSearch%3FQuery%3Dconservation%2Bbiology%26so%3Dnew%26groupefq%3DWyJzZWFyY2hfYXJ0aWNsZSIsIm1wX3Jlc2VhcmNoX3JlcG9ydF9wYXJ0IiwicmV2aWV3Iiwic2VhcmNoX2NoYXB0ZXIiLCJjb250cmlidXRlZF90ZXh0IiwicmVzZWFyY2hfcmVwb3J0Il0%253D%26pagemark%3DeyJwYWdlIjo3LCJzdGFydHMiOnsiSlNUT1JCYXNpYyI6MTUwfX0%253D&ab_segments=0%2Fbasic_search_gsv2%2Fcontrol&refreqid=fastly-default%3A1a66bcdf9d4059f740f65b0cedc6d935

Adopt an ecosystem: The Ecological Process and Anthropogenic Threats to the Aquatic (Marine) EcosystemAdopt an ecosystem: The Ecological Process and Anthropogenic Threats to the Aquatic (Marine) Ecosystem

Body paragraph – Prompt: Understandoing the value of the ecosystem services it provides – sources (3):  https://www-sciencedirect-com.proxy.cc.uic.edu/science/article/pii/S0308597X17300635 https://conbio-onlinelibrary-wiley-com.proxy.cc.uic.edu/doi/full/10.1111/cobi.13890 https://www-sciencedirect-com.proxy.cc.uic.edu/science/article/pii/S092180090600557X  – Please us the three sources to create one body paragraph following the prompt, above. The ecosystem that is being researched is the Jamaican coral reef and cite sources in APA format, thank you! – here […]

Discuss how we can put microbes to work to facilitate our lives: from keeping our landscape clean to making delicious food and beverages.Discuss how we can put microbes to work to facilitate our lives: from keeping our landscape clean to making delicious food and beverages.

Recognize the importance of microorganisms in water and sewage treatment plants. Describe food Microbiology, focusing on both preventative infection methods and the implication of specific microbial taxa in food preparation. Describe the employment of microorganisms in industrial Microbiology. Putting bacteria to work Microbial fuel cell Industrial microbiology biotechnology Microbes in health care Microbial taxa Biotechnology […]

CRISPR/Cas9 Mutagenesis Reveals Versatile Roles of Hox Genes in Crustacean Limb Specification and EvolutionCRISPR/Cas9 Mutagenesis Reveals Versatile Roles of Hox Genes in Crustacean Limb Specification and Evolution

i will attach the source the i am allowed to use, and i will attach a  second link to the rest of the method because they include diffrent infromation there. so please use both of them. please read the  method part and analysis and discussion and address there  approch.  Approach/Method. What method is being used […]

Comparison of the incidence and prevalence of AD in the United States and Africa, and evaluation of association with possessing mutations in the APOEComparison of the incidence and prevalence of AD in the United States and Africa, and evaluation of association with possessing mutations in the APOE

epidemiology/gene expression thesis/dissertation . topic: Alzheimer disease, and gene expression (APOE) title: Comparison of the incidence and prevalence of AD in the United States and Africa, and evaluation of association with possessing mutations in the APOE. Hypothesis:  1. There is a difference in theprevalence in AD between the USA and Africa (you would use a […]

Answer the Punnett square questions below by placing the letter of the correct answer in the blank provided.Answer the Punnett square questions below by placing the letter of the correct answer in the blank provided.

Before you continue with the problems below, review the meaning of the terms allele, dominant, recessive, homozygous, heterozygous, genotype and phenotype.  You also should review the Punnett Square Basics video linked in the unit lesson.  Instructions: Answer the Punnett square questions below by placing the letter of the correct answer in the blank provided. 

The […]

Research Paper Assignment on the Effect of Epilepsy on the Nervous System (BIO 202)Research Paper Assignment on the Effect of Epilepsy on the Nervous System (BIO 202)

Hello Writer please read the attached document for instruction Please critically analyze the disease, which is epilepsy, and how it affects the nervous system.  Name of disease  History of the disease / Demographic Data: Age, sex, race distribution in population.  Description of disease  Anatomy of the system(s) involved  Effects on […]

Conduct literature and database searches to find how insurance and financial reimbursement currently work for the Heterotopic ossification condition.Conduct literature and database searches to find how insurance and financial reimbursement currently work for the Heterotopic ossification condition.

1. need to search for ICD10 codes, DRG codes and other codes insurances and hospitals use. 2. Download articles, database entries and other info that be used and write the research report that descris how much and what specifically government and insurances pay for. 3.Research any new products or university (and Army) research projects, different […]

great white shark report AND World War 2 film essay AND History of Everything Essaygreat white shark report AND World War 2 film essay AND History of Everything Essay

 MARINE ANIMAL CHOSEN: GREAT WHITE SHARK Cover page (Title, your name, “MSCI 1501K Introduction to Marine Biology”, date submitted, and instructor’s name (Dwight Ebanks, Ph.D.). For example: The Sea Squirt Didemnum vexillum Jonathan Doe MSCI 1501K.01 Introduction to Marine Biology Submitted XX Month XXXX Instructor: Dwight Ebanks, Ph.D.  Length & General Specifications: Cover page […]

Can we utilize meditation to maintain homeostasis physically, mentally, or emotionally?Can we utilize meditation to maintain homeostasis physically, mentally, or emotionally?

Hello, nice to meet you, thank you for taking the time and effort to write this paper :). This research paper has a broad question: Can meditation be utilized to maintain homeostasis physically, mentally, emotionally, etc. Basically, how does meditation affect the body and mind, and by what physiological mechanisms? I have already written a […]