Discipline: Biology

Student responseStudent response

  response 1 Factors that Influence the Development of Psychopathology Many elements, including but not limited to biological (for instance, brain trauma), psychological (for instance, a stressful event), environmental (for instance, a twins study), and sociocultural (for instance, poverty) factors, affect the development of psychopathology (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2011).     […]

Surveillance measures in EpidemiologySurveillance measures in Epidemiology

Surveillance Measures in Epidemiology Epidemiology has a variety of sub-disciplines. Each of these sub-disciplines has different measures they use to determine the severity or communicability of various diseases. The two classic measures are incidence and prevalence. However, there are other measures of disease measurement, which can include: Morbidity Incidence Cumulative Incidence Incidence Density Incidence Rate Prevalence Period […]

What is Cytoplasm?What is Cytoplasm?

Learning Goal: I’m working on a biology exercise and need support to help me learn. The cytoplasm is the material that fill in the space intercellular between the plasma membrane and the nuclear envelope,when his is present. He is compound for liquid called cytosol and for diverses structure.The organelles, that vary from cell to cell […]

What is plasma membrane?What is plasma membrane?

Learning Goal: I’m working on a biology writing question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. The plasma membrane,too call of cellular membrane, this is film that delimits cellular contend,forming a barrier between extracellular and intercellular media and controlling the passage of substances into or out of the cell. The membrane too […]

Reflective writingReflective writing

Learning Goal: I’m working on a biology and need to help me learn. Assignment – Reflective Writing – Meet the Experts: Radiology, Naturopathic Medicine, & Emergency Medicine Due Tuesday by 11:59pm Points 0 Submitting a text entry box or a file upload Available Jan 9 at 12am – Feb 28 at 11:59pm Describe your impression […]

intro to biologyintro to biology

Learning Goal: I’m working on a biology multi-part question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. Learning Assessments 2 Corrections Assignment .docx 1. Review your Learning Assessment 2 and identify the questions you answered incorrectly. 2. Using the textbook linked in blackboard locate the correct answers to all your missed questions. 3. […]

Need APA StyleNeed APA Style

Choosing one of the following recent news reports as a starting point, and using material in Bracken for historical and contemporary context, write a 2,500 word paper from the perspective of a junior U.S. government analyst compiling a report for their immiediate superior.  Your report should a) summarize the core issues; b) provide relevant historical […]

Topic is ” How humans evolved through decades and how well they adapted to their environments”Topic is ” How humans evolved through decades and how well they adapted to their environments”

Project Objectives: Upon completing the writing project, you will: (1) Obtain experience in writing about genomics; (2) Synthesize information from several sources that address your topic and your question; (3) Build an argument to defend the answer to your topic/question. (1) You can pick a topic of your choice, formulate a question, and use the […]


  Write a summary of the study that includes: Why did the scientists perform the study (i.e., description of background)? What was the hypothesis (or hypotheses) under investigation? What were the major results and did they support or negate the hypothesis? Which key techniques were used to achieve these results? Why are the results significant […]