Corporate use of Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Application Program Interfaces (APIs), and Optical Character Recognition (OCR) specifically for process re-engineering and process improvements. Research all three listed technologies and assess how these have favorably impacted the operations of companies using one or more of these technologies. Explain how the use of these technologies have […]
Discipline: Business and Management
Why is diversity important within the workplace, how would you make your organization more diverse, and what are some of the results the organization can experience while becoming more diverse.Why is diversity important within the workplace, how would you make your organization more diverse, and what are some of the results the organization can experience while becoming more diverse.
Remember to write your final paper from a managerial perspective. You are the manager, supervisor, director in charge. The student will create their own company and discuss the following: Why is diversity important within the workplace, how would you make your organization more diverse, and what are some of the results the organization can experience […]
provide an outline plan for a hypothetical port operating organisation, to enable the client to develop an Environmental Policy pursuant to the requirements described in ISO140001provide an outline plan for a hypothetical port operating organisation, to enable the client to develop an Environmental Policy pursuant to the requirements described in ISO140001
Assessment Task This assessment requires you to work as a consultant in a small project team to provide an outline plan for a hypothetical port operating organisation, to enable the client to develop an Environmental Policy pursuant to the requirements described in ISO140001. You will present your plan to your ‘client’, highlighting key issues, challenges, […]
given Web site conduct a case study with a word limit of 2000 words; analyse Web analytics & business intelligence in action; apply and recommend associated frameworks and software tools, such as SimilarWeb.given Web site conduct a case study with a word limit of 2000 words; analyse Web analytics & business intelligence in action; apply and recommend associated frameworks and software tools, such as SimilarWeb.
you are required to conduct a case study, review and propose a course of action for the Web site, and the business. You should provide an overview of the site, stating where and what Web analytics paradigms, frameworks, models, techniques and tools you could use. Indicating the rationale for this and how it could […]
Adapting to the AI revolution: Exploring the opportunities and challenges of Artificial Intelligence adoption in businesses, the labor markets, and public policies.Adapting to the AI revolution: Exploring the opportunities and challenges of Artificial Intelligence adoption in businesses, the labor markets, and public policies.
Main Objectives of the Research: • To examine the impact of artificial intelligence adoption on businesses, specifically in terms of employment, productivity, income distribution, and HR practices, by analyzing existing literature and empirical studies. • To assess the implications of AI adoption for economic growth and labor unions, considering factors such as job displacement, the […]
“How do RTAs e-commerce rules affect digital service exports? – Empirical analysis based on RCEP member states” (Requires STATA)“How do RTAs e-commerce rules affect digital service exports? – Empirical analysis based on RCEP member states” (Requires STATA)
just do the empirical analysis and conduct the result.i only need the analysis part of the thesis with the result you can use STATA to conduct the analysis. i need you to analyse use a regression model i guess it is the appropriate one, then give me the result, and finally discuss the result, meaning […]
No.4 New Product Development. Coursework instructions (80% individual essay, 2000 words)No.4 New Product Development. Coursework instructions (80% individual essay, 2000 words)
plz ensure you read all the upload lectures and readings before you start your work, this is really important because this is a lecture-based courcework, you should focus on the theories which shown in the lectures notes and implemented trhem in your essay, a sample essay also provided, you can follow the sample essay structure […]
what has been the current business environment in the sector(s) the ship- owner operates in? what were the key changes?what has been the current business environment in the sector(s) the ship- owner operates in? what were the key changes?
• What has been the current business environment in the sector(s) the ship- owner operates in? What were the key changes? • Based on your analysis of the business environment, what were the possible strategies the ship-owner could have followed? • Out of these available strategies, which one did they choose? Can you explain why? […]
overview of the national business environment in which the Australian aged care sector operates using the PESToverview of the national business environment in which the Australian aged care sector operates using the PEST
The report is a 2500 word analysis of the business enviroment in which the Australian aged care sector operates. The report has to provide an overview of the national business environment in which the Australian aged care sector operates using the PEST (Political, economic, social and technology) framework. All of the requirements of the essay will […]
Organisation’s e-supply chain, issues with digital activities, future digital strategy and trends in the sector.Organisation’s e-supply chain, issues with digital activities, future digital strategy and trends in the sector.
This assignment requires you to use (ideally) the same Multi-National Corporation (MNC) [ i.e. an organisation that operates in its country of origin and also has a branch abroad) from the first assignment to write a report on their e-supply chain operations and the impact of digital activities in the supply chain. You are required […]