Discipline: Business and Management

Week 4 Discussion – Social media and Business messaging applications for OrganizationsWeek 4 Discussion – Social media and Business messaging applications for Organizations

Learning Objective Explain, analyze and discuss social media  and business messaging applications to the workplace Instructions In a 500-750 word post answer the following question:  What are the advantages of using a social media or business messaging application  environment for work in the organization? Discuss if your organization uses any social media or business messaging […]

Assessment of The Financial Costs And Risks Of Hiring and Promoting Unqualified Individuals at Runway International AirportAssessment of The Financial Costs And Risks Of Hiring and Promoting Unqualified Individuals at Runway International Airport

I need help in writing my section 4, the below is what is required and based on what I wrote for section 3 SECTION 4 Analysis and Presentation of Finding (About 3000 words)   Structure of section 4 4.1 Introduction (150 words) 4.2 Data Analysis – qualitative / quantitative (1000words).  You may state your questions […]

Discuss the impact of integrating devices into our daily work lives in the context of the emerging 5th Industrial Revolution in your own organisational context. Argue whether the effects on employees as humans are largely beneficial or largely harmfulDiscuss the impact of integrating devices into our daily work lives in the context of the emerging 5th Industrial Revolution in your own organisational context. Argue whether the effects on employees as humans are largely beneficial or largely harmful

our essay should be 1 500 words (+- three pages) in length and should be structured in accordance with the essay-writing guidelines stipulated in this module.             Include the following in your essay: Ø   Include at least one diagram with a summary description that links to your discussion. Ø   Evidence of planning (e.g. a Mind map) to show evidence of […]

Case Study: Senior Technical Leader Characteristics (Traits & Skills) and PracticesCase Study: Senior Technical Leader Characteristics (Traits & Skills) and Practices

Context: Think critically about the various aspects of NASA Administrator Bill Nelson’s background, his leadership traits and skills, and the challenges he faced in managing the Artemis I mission. Prepare an original response to the case study questions at the end of the case (see attachment).  Students are expected to use in-text citations and provide […]

importance of incorporating cultural sensitivity when interacting with international clients.importance of incorporating cultural sensitivity when interacting with international clients.

A.  Write an essay (suggested length of 1–2 pages) explaining the importance of incorporating cultural sensitivity when interacting with international clients. B.  Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized. C.  Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

Response to discussion post Share a story you have had with an internal or external audit.Response to discussion post Share a story you have had with an internal or external audit.

First, thank you for sharing your audit experience with us, Latoya.  I love when one lesson springboards from another because it shows such cohesion.  This morning, I had read responses to your Unit 1 post on Tesla’s mission statement and was impressed by your reinforcement of the Unit 1 concept of “what is our business?” […]

I want you to explain the idea, and present research to support the importance of motivation (how it benefits both the company and the employee) as well as support for your idea specifically.I want you to explain the idea, and present research to support the importance of motivation (how it benefits both the company and the employee) as well as support for your idea specifically.

Assignment 1: Throughout the first two weeks, you have read about the importance of motivating employees within a company as well as how this is an economically wise decision. The first step in this project is to come up with your idea as to how you are going to increase motivation within the company (it […]

Describe the basic transformational process, benefits, and advantages that characterize operations and operations design and utilize that knowledge to apply to case studies.Describe the basic transformational process, benefits, and advantages that characterize operations and operations design and utilize that knowledge to apply to case studies.

You will need to answer each question with at least 5 sentences. (questions are on pdf)  Try to paraphrase and of course cite using APA  This is the link to the book you need to copy and paste it to be able to open it. – https://2012books.lardbucket.org/books/management-principles-v1.1/ Learning Objectives: LO1. Evaluate the dimensions of the […]

After reading these articles, in no more than 3 pages, double-spaced, discuss what you believe are at least two (2) key ethical issues for the organization. View the issues from the perspective of the manager in charge of the research unit.After reading these articles, in no more than 3 pages, double-spaced, discuss what you believe are at least two (2) key ethical issues for the organization. View the issues from the perspective of the manager in charge of the research unit.

Many of you may be familiar with the book The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks.  Her story raises many ethical issues. For SWA #1: HELA, we will examine briefly the impact of values and ethics applied to the story of Henrietta Lacks.  read the article “Henrietta’s Last Dance” by Rebecca Skloot. Read the full blog on […]

Please offer a well reasoned and articulate discussion on a case relevant to the chapter under study which includes the rationale for the decision in same along with the ramifications thereof for business and society.Please offer a well reasoned and articulate discussion on a case relevant to the chapter under study which includes the rationale for the decision in same along with the ramifications thereof for business and society.

Textbook- Roger Miller, Business Law Today, Eleventh Edition, (South-Western, Cengage Learning 2017) Comprehensive Edition ISBN 978-1-305-57501-1 orISBN: 9781305645769