Discipline: Business and Management

Identify a production plant of any company and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of its location.Identify a production plant of any company and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of its location.

Assigment topic: Identify a production plant of any company and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of its location.  You will need:  . Cover  . Table of Contents  . Summary  . Introduction  . Text / Body of Work  . Conclusions / Recommendations  References ( 5 Sources Requiered)  Not Wikipedia, BLOGS, Yahoo, UKEssay.com, Buzzle.com and/or any other […]

take the role of a consultant, hired by a large organization. Do some research and find a ‘candidate company’ (for-profit or non-profit) and propose a BRM program for the PMO of this organizationtake the role of a consultant, hired by a large organization. Do some research and find a ‘candidate company’ (for-profit or non-profit) and propose a BRM program for the PMO of this organization

Assignment 2: Take the role of a consultant, hired by a large organization. Do some research and find a ‘candidate company’ (for-profit or non-profit) and propose a BRM program for the PMO of this organization – it can be one for which you work (or have worked), or not. You can (and should) work with […]

The Flint Switch: A Water Supply Cutover Project Disaster That Never Should Have BeenThe Flint Switch: A Water Supply Cutover Project Disaster That Never Should Have Been

Introduction: Located nearly at the geographic center of the world’s largest supply of fresh water – the Great Lakes (see red diamond in the map within the attached document), Flint, Michigan suffered (and continues to suffer) from a series of project decisions that led effectively to the poisoning of their public water supply, and in […]

MGMT 436 Strategic Management:(8.3 – Strategic Audit Report: Executive Summary (PLG2)MGMT 436 Strategic Management:(8.3 – Strategic Audit Report: Executive Summary (PLG2)

Executive Summary  Write the Executive Summary section or the beginning of your Strategic Audit Report. The opening section of your audit report can easily be the most important part of the audit, can grab a reader’s attention, and keep it throughout if written correctly; while a poorly written one can leave the reader guessing and […]

Complete a brief analysis and computation for the case above. In your analysis, include the elements below:Complete a brief analysis and computation for the case above. In your analysis, include the elements below:

St Thomas Sports Medicine Specialty Clinic The St. Thomas Sports Medicine Specialty Clinic offers services for students on a monthly basis. The service is a convenience for the athletes and other students at St. Thomas. ABC Community Healthcare provides the staff and support for the services. A physician provides 4 hours of care at $250 […]

Evaluate whether the company has an ethical and/or legal obligation to report the breach to its customers.Evaluate whether the company has an ethical and/or legal obligation to report the breach to its customers.

(rubric in attatchment only shows applicable to this part im asking to be done)  Scenario A few years ago Clare Applewood started a small outdoor equipment business called Mountain Top View. The company is a sole proprietorship. The company began as a single storefront and has grown rapidly to include online ordering through the company […]

individual Strategic Report involving an in-depth, strategic analysis of a large organisation. You will be given the organisation to write about.individual Strategic Report involving an in-depth, strategic analysis of a large organisation. You will be given the organisation to write about.

The Strategic Report should address the following: 1) Carry out external analysis (business environment and industry) to identify a set of Opportunities and Threats in that environment and assess industry attractiveness. (30%) 2) Analyse unique resources and distinctive capabilities (activities/competences) of the organisation to identify a set of Strengths and Weaknesses and identify core competences […]

Strategy Identification and External Factors Analysis with Real World and Fictional Examples in the Hospitality and Tourism IndustryStrategy Identification and External Factors Analysis with Real World and Fictional Examples in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry

Ensure that all types of strategies are covered in your table (cost leadership, differentiation, focus, forward integration, backward integration, horizontal integration, market penetration, market development, product development, related diversification, unrelated diversification, and renewal/retrenchment). Be prepared to discuss your examples and findings in class. This will help you understand the different types of strategies and their […]

Please answer each of these questions in your paper, making use of the Template provided in a separate document in the “Individual Project”Please answer each of these questions in your paper, making use of the Template provided in a separate document in the “Individual Project”

Follow the instruction using the guidelines file provided in the files. I have already answered questions 1 and 2, all that needs to be done is question 3,4,5,6. I need 10 sources in total. I will provide some sources that I have already found but please use others if needed I will also provide notes […]