Discipline: Business and Management

Effects of Early Detection of Breast Cancer Using Home Health Testing Kits Among African-American Women PopulationEffects of Early Detection of Breast Cancer Using Home Health Testing Kits Among African-American Women Population

I have put the rubric for the assignment below. For the personas you can use the ones I have already created in the presentation I have put below. Please let me know if you have any questions. You must use MIRO  https://miro.com/https://miro.com/https://miro.com/ like stated in the rubric. Miro is used to create the Journey Map, […]

This course is a culmination of the skills and abilities acquired during your coursework. The research paper for this course should integrate these personal and professional skills and discuss the value of higher education in today’s society.This course is a culmination of the skills and abilities acquired during your coursework. The research paper for this course should integrate these personal and professional skills and discuss the value of higher education in today’s society.

Specifically address the following issues in your paper.  What skills (teamwork, technology, communication, etc.) did you develop and/or strengthen?  How will you use these skills to begin or improve your career?  What opportunities does higher education provide to citizens?  What have you gained from your educational journey and why would you encourage others to follow […]

common themes across the readings and reflect on why sexual harassment is still an issue in the workplacecommon themes across the readings and reflect on why sexual harassment is still an issue in the workplace

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is a U.S. federal law prohibiting sex discrimination in employment. In 1980, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) of the U.S. issued regulations defining sexual harassment as a form of gender discrimination in 1980. The EEOC policy states: It is unlawful to harass a person (an […]

Advanced quantitative methods for managers and decision making (erm502)-4th written assignment (wa4)Advanced quantitative methods for managers and decision making (erm502)-4th written assignment (wa4)

The work is to be done in English. The instructions are also included in the attached file. The work will be done in word and the excel files will have to be attached in which the already existing data of the excel files that will be attached will be processed. You also need to edit […]

The quote illustrates three of Porter’s five forces. Which three? How does it illustrate each of them?The quote illustrates three of Porter’s five forces. Which three? How does it illustrate each of them?

Consider the following quote based on the firm Rubbermaid. Rubbermaid has experienced major increases in the cost of resin (an important raw material…) and attempted to pass on these costs with large price increases to its customers. Wal-Mart was particularly angered by the large price increases… Wal-Mart refused to stock a number of Rubbermaid products […]

Why is the concept of competitive advantage central to the study of strategic management?Why is the concept of competitive advantage central to the study of strategic management?

Why is the concept of competitive advantage central to the study of strategic management? Give a specific business example by researching a company, stating briefly what the competitive advantage is and relate three strategic management decisions that stemmed from it. Also, give examples from the company chosen on how they chose cost leadership or differentiation […]

critically evaluate the impact of Technological Unemployment on a company of your choice.critically evaluate the impact of Technological Unemployment on a company of your choice.

Prepare a literature review, charting the development of the concept of Technological Unemployment from its inception until the present day. Ensure that you include references to at least 10 peer-reviewed articles, including the 2017 paper by Frey and Osborne that has been supplied. You may also find relevant reviews in the trade press and from […]

Suggest a topic related to logistics and shipping —> shipping and combined transport.Suggest a topic related to logistics and shipping —> shipping and combined transport.

approximately 40 pages (1,5 spacing) table of contents, introduction, conclusion, bibliography etc I would still like you to suggest a topic if possible. . . concerning Shipping and Combined Transport. Master Shipping and Transport. In order to do this I have to hand in my thesis. The work in question must be on a subject […]

Developing a sustainable data centre: assesing risks and benefits of global procurement using STEEPLED and other modelsDeveloping a sustainable data centre: assesing risks and benefits of global procurement using STEEPLED and other models

Please create a powerpoint presentation wiht good graphics ilustration, that is worth 15 minutes of real time speaking. Please read carefully the following instructions : You are required to produce and present a Procurement Plan identifying the benefits and risks associated with the procurement of goods, services and utility provision necessary for the delivery of […]

Improvising Organizational Transformation Over Time: A Situated Change PerspectiveImprovising Organizational Transformation Over Time: A Situated Change Perspective

 prepare thought-provoking questions and to facilitate the participation of every class members to engage in critical and in-depth analyses of the assigned readings, as well as integration across readings. You should provide an organized structure for our interaction and make sure that we compare and contrast perspectives, discuss the primary themes and contributions of the […]