Discipline: Business and Management

Complete a Strategic Organizational Assessment covering a healthcare organizationComplete a Strategic Organizational Assessment covering a healthcare organization

Complete a Strategic Organizational Assessment to include an organizational assessment and a SWOT analysis on your organization based on your own knowledge and information that is accessible (without interviewing people). In each area, discuss the information you have, what other information you need, and how that information might influence the organization’s strategic plan. Summarize the […]

Assignment Project Risk Management identification / assessment /prioritization of risks with qualitative approachAssignment Project Risk Management identification / assessment /prioritization of risks with qualitative approach

In particular you have to: 1         Navigate the complexity of the project proposed (try to list 4 critical issues which, in your opinion, are important in order to have a good management of the project ) 2         Within the complexity landscape, risk management is an area that stands out as one of the most important […]

Post-Pandemic Employee Expectations – Work-related burnout due to leadership style, accountability, and management practices in effective staff retention management post Covid-19 pandemic.Post-Pandemic Employee Expectations – Work-related burnout due to leadership style, accountability, and management practices in effective staff retention management post Covid-19 pandemic.

The research aims to delve into the challenges that the post-pandemic era has brought about it with relation to employee expectations, work related burnout, leadership style, accountability, and management practices and by addressing these challenges, offer valuable insights and recommendations for businesses seeking to adapt in creating sustainable and engaging work environment and avoid the […]

Compare/contrast the healthcare delivery system in the U.S. with the United Kingdom include advantages & disadvantages.Consider this review through the lens of the healthcare “conundrum”– access, cost, quality (and add “continuity”)Compare/contrast the healthcare delivery system in the U.S. with the United Kingdom include advantages & disadvantages.Consider this review through the lens of the healthcare “conundrum”– access, cost, quality (and add “continuity”)

Here is the entire question of the topic:  Compare and contrast the healthcare delivery system in the United States with the United Kingdom, including advantages and disadvantages of each. Consider this review through the lens of the healthcare “conundrum”– access, cost, quality (and add “continuity”, often combined with quality to the discussion. Continuity means a […]

Your assignment is to read the articles “The Case Against Travel” by Agnes Callard (2023) and “The Case for Tourism” by Ross Douthat (2023).Your assignment is to read the articles “The Case Against Travel” by Agnes Callard (2023) and “The Case for Tourism” by Ross Douthat (2023).

•Your assignment is to read the articles “The Case Against Travel” by Agnes Callard (2023) and “The Case for Tourism” by Ross Douthat (2023).   •Then you must separately summarize each article, following the guidelines on how to write a summary (see the following pages). 

Management – Organization assumptions, firms culture vs performance. How is culture developed?Management – Organization assumptions, firms culture vs performance. How is culture developed?

Why are an organization’s assumptions so hard to change? What can you do to help change organizational assumptions regardless of job title?  The learning objectives which align with this discussion forum include: Explain how a firm’s culture can impact organizational performance?  Discuss the ways in which culture is developed, influenced, and socialized in a firm.  

Deliverable 1 – Customer Service Standards Deliverable 1 – Customer Service StandardsDeliverable 1 – Customer Service Standards Deliverable 1 – Customer Service Standards

Assessments Content Competency Identify and define standards of good customer service.  Scenario  You have been hired as the new CEO of a quick-service dining chain. You were hired because you have leadership experience in customer-service efforts in numerous fast-paced customer-centric organizations.  You need to briefly communicate with the whole team your overall plan for customer service improvement. This plan will not get into specific […]

Assignment No. 1: On Moral Philosophy vs. Behavioral Economics and Moral PsychologyAssignment No. 1: On Moral Philosophy vs. Behavioral Economics and Moral Psychology

Most of the ethical prescriptions of normative moral philosophy tend to fall into one of the following three categories: deontology, consequentialism, and virtue ethics. These categories in turn put an emphasis on different normative standards for judging what constitutes right and wrong actions. Moral psychologists and behavioral economists such as Jonathan Haidt and Dan Ariely […]

Topic: Importance of new product development and innovation to stay ahead of the consumers in a fast-moving technological world.Topic: Importance of new product development and innovation to stay ahead of the consumers in a fast-moving technological world.

This is the instructions: “Final must be a minimum of 2500 words (not including the title page, abstract, and reference list) and must utilize a minimum of 15 scholarly, peer-reviewed sources, include a Biblical integration and the course textbook.” I attached the course textbook in a PDF. I need 15 sources each with a short annotated […]

Define the term Human Resource Management (HRM) and the reason it is important for individuals to study human resource management?Define the term Human Resource Management (HRM) and the reason it is important for individuals to study human resource management?

Respond to question in at least two (2) pages [not including title and reference pages]. Use Times New Roman 12 Font, Double Space. Special Instructions Students must utilize APA 6th edition format Students must use research from 2-3 journal articles found in GoogleScholar.