Discipline: Business and Management

Adaptive Clothing and Accessories, an online store that offers adaptive clothing and accessories designed specifically for individuals with disabilitiesAdaptive Clothing and Accessories, an online store that offers adaptive clothing and accessories designed specifically for individuals with disabilities

Adaptive Clothing and Accessories, an online store that offers adaptive clothing and accessories designed specifically for individuals with disabilities It is for E commerce course. We should create online E commerce business special  platform. 

paper preparing a manager with the necessary documents required when considering terminating an employee.paper preparing a manager with the necessary documents required when considering terminating an employee.

Introduction In this assessment, you will prepare a manager with the necessary documents required to terminate an employee.   Wrongful termination occurs when employment is terminated for illegal reasons or if company policy is violated when the employee is fired. HR practitioners and members of management need to be informed about how to properly handle […]

Thoroughly read the Mattel Toy Story, Exercise 5.1 on page 161 and fully answer the questions.Thoroughly read the Mattel Toy Story, Exercise 5.1 on page 161 and fully answer the questions.

Instructions are attached via files below along with the case study rubric and the 2 page story that this assignment needs to be based on.  Throughly read the Mattel Toy Story, Exercise 5.1, and fully answer the questions. (You need a minimum page count of 5 full pages of content) The title page, reference page, […]

Research Ralph Lauren Corporations compensation plan and write a 315 word discussion post.Research Ralph Lauren Corporations compensation plan and write a 315 word discussion post.

There is a wide variety of elements that motivate people to work hard. Successfully managing a workforce requires managers to understand, acknowledge, and carefully implement rewards to motivate their employees to perform to the best of their abilities.Research the total compensation plan for the company you have chosen for your final project. Very briefly describe […]

In preparation to draft a Strategic HR Plan, choose an organization and answer the in-depth questions about it.In preparation to draft a Strategic HR Plan, choose an organization and answer the in-depth questions about it.

Provide an Overview of the organization to include the following requirements: A brief description of what the organization does and organizational structure. Who are the competitors? What are the factors that you believe are critical to success in this organization? What is the culture like? How is information communicated? Why would people want to work […]

Chapter 10: Discuss the qualities of an effective project manager. Elaborate on these various qualities as these relate to an effective manager and an overall effective project.Chapter 10: Discuss the qualities of an effective project manager. Elaborate on these various qualities as these relate to an effective manager and an overall effective project.

Topical question from Chapter 10:  Discuss the qualities of an effective project manager. Elaborate on these various qualities as these relate to an effective manager and an overall effective project. Please be thorough and comprehensive in your response to this topical question. You do NOT have to make a response to another student, so focus […]

Intellectual Property Discussion (Intellectual Property Relating to International Business)Intellectual Property Discussion (Intellectual Property Relating to International Business)

**This discussion will be in refereference to Intellectual Property and how it relates to International Business. Thread (600 words minimum) After you have successfully chosen the key term that interests you the most (Intellectual Property), research a  minimum of 5 recent international business/management articles that relate to the concept on which you wish to focus […]

Intellection Property Discussion (Intellection Property Relating to International Business)Intellection Property Discussion (Intellection Property Relating to International Business)

**This discussion will be in refereference to Intellectual Property and how it relates to International Business. Thread (600 words minimum) After you have successfully chosen the key term that interests you the most (Intellectual Property), research a  minimum of 5 recent international business/management articles that relate to the concept on which you wish to focus […]

Using the four functions of management (1. Planning, 2. Organizing, 3. Leading, 4. Controlling) describe how the business department operates in each of the countries.Using the four functions of management (1. Planning, 2. Organizing, 3. Leading, 4. Controlling) describe how the business department operates in each of the countries.

In your report, you will choose a department in a business that operates in two different countries. The introduction paragraph represents the business department and the two countries you are using for your report.  using the four functions of management(1. planning, 2.Organizing, 3. Leading 4. controlling) dscribe how the business department operates in each of […]

Elderly Home Improvement and Safety Modifications Services for Non Profit OrganizationElderly Home Improvement and Safety Modifications Services for Non Profit Organization

Community Resource Project (location) Sacramento, CA The assignment is to create a prosal for Community Resource Project in creating a new division providing installation for ADA safe services for the elderly in their homes.  Grants from the state of California and Federal Grants provide all. Community Resource Project (location) Sacramento, CA https://www.communityresourceproject.org BACKGROUND For over 45 years, […]