Discipline: Business and Management

Analyse the use of job design, empowerment practices, and two forms of financial reward in relation to whether they can increase employee motivation/performance in the workplace.Analyse the use of job design, empowerment practices, and two forms of financial reward in relation to whether they can increase employee motivation/performance in the workplace.

Considering their advantages and disadvantages, analyse the use of job design, empowerment practices, and two forms of financial reward in relation to whether they can increase employee motivation and performance in the workplace.  Then, justifying your answer based on evidence used throughout your essay, explain whether non-financial forms of reward are more important than financial […]

Proposal and writing of a theme on talent acquisition and skills shortages (deadline on 2 October and the whole thesis later)Proposal and writing of a theme on talent acquisition and skills shortages (deadline on 2 October and the whole thesis later)

2000 words proposal according to the instructions in the attached file and I need it immediately to hand it in and have it reviewed by a professor and the thesis we don’t have a date yet it can be done in the future The dissertation proposal presentations will take place on 11. 10. 2023 on […]

Continue to focus on the team (e.g., department, workgroup, task force) for which you completed the team-building checklist Team Building Checklist – Alternative Formats In your Original Post, evaluate your team’s readiness for team-building.Continue to focus on the team (e.g., department, workgroup, task force) for which you completed the team-building checklist Team Building Checklist – Alternative Formats In your Original Post, evaluate your team’s readiness for team-building.

Continue to focus on the team (e.g., department, workgroup, task force) for which you completed the  team-building checklist Team Building Checklist – Alternative Formats  In your Original Post, evaluate your team’s readiness for team-building.  Include evaluation and explanation of some of your ratings on individual line items that contributed to a high or low score.  If you […]

Produce a “mind-map” and a “tabular note” on ( impacts of inflation on the society)Produce a “mind-map” and a “tabular note” on ( impacts of inflation on the society)

The title of my coure: Businiss Skills for the Workplace, Level 4 The title of the assignment is :   Produce a “mind-map” and a “tabular note” on ( impacts of inflation on the society) Note; Please you should make use of the University Library that is found in the following Link: https://www.uwtsd.ac.uk/library/ General Submission Guidance […]

Examine the organizational factors that create stress and discuss how they compare to the factors of resistance to change. Are the methods for managing change useful for managing stress caused by organizational factors?Examine the organizational factors that create stress and discuss how they compare to the factors of resistance to change. Are the methods for managing change useful for managing stress caused by organizational factors?

Please use the following textbook for citation purposed: (H) Organizational Behavior Stephen P. Robbins and Timothy A. Judge, 2019 Pearson ISBN.13: 978-0-134-72932-9 Sriting requirments: Grading criteria requirements are as followed: responses houjld be typed using a standard font 12-point type size and double spaced. restatement of the question. Evaluationof the paper will depend on the […]

For your chosen case study in Module 1, prepare the following: Competitive Profile Matrix ,External Factor Evaluation (EFE),Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE), Please provide 2-3 pages of supporting text (not including charts, cover page, reference pagesFor your chosen case study in Module 1, prepare the following: Competitive Profile Matrix ,External Factor Evaluation (EFE),Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE), Please provide 2-3 pages of supporting text (not including charts, cover page, reference pages

Apple Inc. For your chosen case study in Module 1, prepare the following: Competitive Profile Matrix ,External Factor Evaluation (EFE),Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE), Please provide 2-3 pages of supporting text (not including charts, cover page, reference page and appendices) on your analysis and evaluation. Be specific in your discussion and make solid recommendations

Take the following information and, using proper block-letter style formatting and spacing, create the first and closing parts of a business letter. you do not need to write the body of the letter. Use spacing appropriate for a business letter.Take the following information and, using proper block-letter style formatting and spacing, create the first and closing parts of a business letter. you do not need to write the body of the letter. Use spacing appropriate for a business letter.

Take the following information and, using proper block-letter style formatting and spacing, create the first and closing parts of a business letter. you do not need to write the body of the letter. Use spacing appropriate for a business letter. The letter was sent on company letterhead by Penelope Anderson, the general manager of Terrapin […]

The purpose of this journal entry is for you to evaluate concepts you learned in Professionalism in the Workplace, including discussion of how you would prepare to interview for a new position using all that you have learned in the course thus far.The purpose of this journal entry is for you to evaluate concepts you learned in Professionalism in the Workplace, including discussion of how you would prepare to interview for a new position using all that you have learned in the course thus far.

The purpose of this journal entry is for you to evaluate concepts you learned in Professionalism in the Workplace, including discussion of how you would prepare to interview for a new position using all that you have learned in the course thus far.   Now that you have pulled together your resume package, for your […]

Discuss and present examples of how the practice of sustainable business is both local and global.Discuss and present examples of how the practice of sustainable business is both local and global.

This course is for Global Environment of Business. This is a critical thinking exercise. You will write a 2-page response paper, double-spaced on a selected prompt. The 2-page limit excludes “works cited.”   The response paper counts for 10% of the grade, that is, 10 points. Points are distributed as follows: Thesis statement (in the introductory […]

compare the 2022 Sustainability Reports of BP and Shell and highlight the similarities and differences you observed in the following aspects: 1. GRI Standard Adherence, 2. Reporting Scope, 3. Stakeholder Engagement, 4. Materiality Assessment.compare the 2022 Sustainability Reports of BP and Shell and highlight the similarities and differences you observed in the following aspects: 1. GRI Standard Adherence, 2. Reporting Scope, 3. Stakeholder Engagement, 4. Materiality Assessment.

Assignment Requirements: Write a report of not more than 8 pages (excluding the references) in which you compare the 2022 Sustainability Reports of BP and Shell and highlight the similarities and differences you observed in the following aspects: 1. GRI Standard Adherence: Assess how each company adheres to GRI standards in their reporting. Are they […]