This week’s lesson discussed the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and its mandates for such matters as minimum wage, overtime, etc. The threshold under which salaried employees must be paid overtime was set in 1975 at $23,700 USD, and was unchanged until May 2016 when President Barack Obama attempted to raise the threshold by executive […]
Discipline: Business and Management
What do current crises say about the sustainability of neoliberal globalisation?What do current crises say about the sustainability of neoliberal globalisation?
Essay Structure The essay should contain: Introduction:-Context/Background/relevance-Explain why the topic which your chosen question concerns is important.-Provide definitions of key terms.-State your argument-Signpost the structure of your essay Main Body of Essay-Critical analysis of literature– Develop your argument-Make use of concepts relevant to the topic Conclusion:-Summarise the argument-Come back to what the topic of your […]
Data Mining Process, Methods, and Applications and Machine learning Techniques for Predictive AnalyticsData Mining Process, Methods, and Applications and Machine learning Techniques for Predictive Analytics
● Define data mining in your own words. ● Install Orange, a data mining software ( ● Watch Text Mining: Twitter Data Analysis ( ● Choose a hashtag and search Twitter for at least 100 instances. ● Create a word cloud that shows the mostly related hashtags. ● Submit your definition, your word cloud, and […]
An operations manager must purchase new equipment has developed a table of conditional values for the various alternatives (equipment options) and states of nature (demand market conditions).An operations manager must purchase new equipment has developed a table of conditional values for the various alternatives (equipment options) and states of nature (demand market conditions).
1 excel file that has cells containing the formulas used to calculate the answers. Answers that don’t include formulas will not receive full credit. UTF 8 HW is the questions that need answered. I’ve attached files to help define the formulas, that need to be placed within the cells of the excel sheet itself along […]
short paragraph on stakeholders and scenarios. directions, informations, reading, all below.short paragraph on stakeholders and scenarios. directions, informations, reading, all below.
Activity ‘Who Invented the 8:00 a.m. Meeting?’: An Interest-Based-Approach Scenario Situation: The Pleasantville National Bank has a policy of holding a daily meeting at 8:00 a.m. to go over the day’s priorities, get input and feedback on existing services, customer services, and any other information related to bank activities. There are 25 employees at the bank, ranging from bank […]
Procurement in Project Management – contracting Morton Building to build a new barn / Ag BuildingProcurement in Project Management – contracting Morton Building to build a new barn / Ag Building
NOTE: This option will focus on procurement planning within projects and include discussion and analysis of the procurement manager’s role within the project. You may want to select this option if you are majoring in project management. For this option, you will write a paper presenting a project procurement scenario from the project management perspective (example […]
Strategic Plan Assignment – Please review Attachments and Inclue Pie Graphs in the attachmentsStrategic Plan Assignment – Please review Attachments and Inclue Pie Graphs in the attachments
Overview Using the recommendation that you provided in innovation powerpoint ATTACHED BELOW, you will develop a strategy to implement the innovation and get ahead in the marketplace. Scenario You work as a middle manager for one of the top U.S. producers of luxury and mass-market automobiles and trucks. You are now leading a cross-functional team […]
Recommend Two Perspectives (“Lens Foundation”) Appropriate to a Research StudyRecommend Two Perspectives (“Lens Foundation”) Appropriate to a Research Study
For this assignment, you will select two plausible conceptual or theoretical “foundational lens” under which your research focus might be explored. If you are pursuing a theoretical (PhD) research study then it is advisable, but not necessary for this assignment, to limit your selections to theories. If you are pursuing an applied doctorate then you […]
An examination of transformational leadership effects on retention with the millennial population in the US Armed Forces.An examination of transformational leadership effects on retention with the millennial population in the US Armed Forces.
Instructions Be sure to clearly identify each assignment including your name. You may attach more than one file, but please try to minimize the number of attached files that have to be opened separately. Write an annotated bibliography, that is a combination of summary and evaluation, of scholarly journal articles on the topic of your […]
How do small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) use financial management techniques to improve their performance and growth?How do small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) use financial management techniques to improve their performance and growth?
Chapter One: Introduction (approx. 600 words) This chapter will identify the main issues addressed in the dissertation and establish the context of the study. This sets the context for the readers. The aims and objectives of the research should also be clearly specified, should relate to accounting and finance issues and be at an appropriate […]