Discipline: Business and Management

Alternative Simulation Assignment: Pros and Cons of AI in the accounting industryAlternative Simulation Assignment: Pros and Cons of AI in the accounting industry

The introduction of artificial intelligence is markley moving throughout the industries with regards to work tasks.  The accounting industry as well as human resource industries are prime examples of how organizations use AI to complete both basic and complex tasks.  While AI can augment computation and data analytics, the impact on the human element of […]

Paid, Owned and Earned Media Assignment Week 2 Paid, Owned and Earned Media Assignment Week 2Paid, Owned and Earned Media Assignment Week 2 Paid, Owned and Earned Media Assignment Week 2

Exercise Content Read the following article: https://www.forbes.com/sites/danielnewman/2014/12/03/the-role-of-paid-owned-and-earned-media-in-your-marketing-strategy/?sh=366278b28bf9 Go ahead and write a minimum 2 page summary of the article and include also online research on Paid, Owned and Earned media.

Select topics from the assigned reading that resonate with your interest or spark intellectual curiosity. Week 4 will cover chapters 1-4.Select topics from the assigned reading that resonate with your interest or spark intellectual curiosity. Week 4 will cover chapters 1-4.

 Content Focus:  Select topics from the assigned reading that resonate with your interest or spark intellectual curiosity. Week 4 will cover chapters 1-4. Format: The paper must adhere to APA7 formatting requirements. Page Length: 4-5 pages of content (excluding the Title, Abstract, and Reference pages).  Headings: The paper must include multiple headings per APA7 guidelines.  […]

Analyzing Customer Satisfaction, Retention, and Loyalty Strategies: Let’s discuss AppleAnalyzing Customer Satisfaction, Retention, and Loyalty Strategies: Let’s discuss Apple

In today’s highly competitive business landscape, achieving and maintaining high levels of customer satisfaction, retention, and loyalty is critical for the success of any company. Let’s dive into the world of marketing by examining one of the world’s most iconic and influential companies: Apple Inc. We will explore how Apple has managed to consistently achieve […]

Creation and Implementation of an effective recruiting and retention program to enhance the quality of employees and management within the organization.Creation and Implementation of an effective recruiting and retention program to enhance the quality of employees and management within the organization.

Week 3: Research Outline: This week we will begin to focus on our final research project by creating an outline of your initial research and what you plan to cover in your final Strategic HR Plan. Prepare an outline of what you plan to cover in your research paper. Your outline should also include a […]

Choose 1 Cloud Computing Method & provide research w/ requirements, benefits, potential risks, etcChoose 1 Cloud Computing Method & provide research w/ requirements, benefits, potential risks, etc

  2 Page Report about A Cloud Computing Method 1.   Choose one of the cloud computing methods mentioned in the text, such as public cloud computing, private cloud computing, or hybrid cloud computing. Research the Internet for more information about this method, such as the requirements, benefits, potential risks, etc. Write a two-page report summarizing […]

We are foreigners almost everywhere in the world. We all have to deal with the liability of foreignness.We are foreigners almost everywhere in the world. We all have to deal with the liability of foreignness.

We are foreigners almost everywhere in the world.  We all have to deal with the liability of foreignness. Imagine you were having dinner in a restaurant in Guatemala City (for those of you who are geographically challenged, Guatemala shares its northern and western borders with Mexico); in the restaurant, there is a large-screen television showing […]

Strategic Human Resources Management: Assignment 2 – Assessing Whether to Outsource the HR FunctionStrategic Human Resources Management: Assignment 2 – Assessing Whether to Outsource the HR Function

About this Assignment Senior management is often approached by an outside party with a proposal that purports to, and seems to, solve a major and growing problem. It is the job of management to perform independent research and analysis to weigh whether or not the offer will provide an overall net benefit without generating a […]

After reading the article No money, no mission: addressing tensions between clinical productivity and the culture of medicine, write a reflection paper on the issues reflected in the article linking finances and access to care.After reading the article No money, no mission: addressing tensions between clinical productivity and the culture of medicine, write a reflection paper on the issues reflected in the article linking finances and access to care.

topic : After reading the article No money, no mission: addressing tensions between clinical productivity and the culture of medicine in Module 4: Lecture Materials & Resources, write a reflection paper on the issues reflected in the article linking finances and access to care. The paper is to be clear and concise and students will lose points for improper […]

Business Risks Find an article that deals with business risks and write a summary of the article.Business Risks Find an article that deals with business risks and write a summary of the article.

Create a list of business risks and ways to deal with them. This project will focus on writing about a current event in business risks. The task is to first find an article that deals with business risks and write a summary of the article. In your summary, you should discuss what the risk is and what […]