Discipline: Business Finance - Accounting

assign #1assign #1

  The Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM) is the largest Human Resource association in the world.  For this assignment, complete the following: Watch this video from SHRM:  Society for Human Resource ManagementLinks to an external site.(1:50 mins) Go to http://www.shrm.orgLinks to an external site. and spend some time clicking on the different sections and […]

Homework Module 6Homework Module 6

Homework 6Assignment Due February 26 at 11:59 PM Please Answer: McClave text p. 492, Questions 9.4, 9.6, 9.7; p. 508, Question 9.22; p. 530, Question 9.57 (parts a – c); p. 544, Question 9.70 Submit Homework 6 as a Word document to the appropriate assignment folder no later than Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT. (This assignment folder may be linked […]

Journal Module 6Journal Module 6

Journal Article Review 3Assignment Due February 26 at 11:59 PM Article Review: Your instructor has provided three peer-reviewed journal articles related to business management topics that use ANOVA. You should review the abstracts of these articles and select one to use for your review.  Read the article and provide a summary of the article. In […]

Module 6 DiscussionModule 6 Discussion

Think back to your research question used in modules 4 and 5 (or come up with a new research question).  Describe an ANOVA that could be used to analyze the research question.  Include the type of research design and describe the variables (factor or independent and response or dependent) that would be used.  Post your […]

Degree of AlignmentDegree of Alignment

The assessments in this course give you the opportunity to design a project plan. Throughout the 5 weeks, you will choose an organization, create a project, write project metrics, and develop a plan that includes a contingency plan. You may use the course textbook and outside resources for all assessments.  This week you will choose […]


  Select, research, and analyze a real organization (public, private, or non-profit). You may select an organization in which you have worked or have been a member.  Examine a problem or issue of concern within that organization. Be selective in choosing an issue or problem within an organization, as a lack of depth in the […]

Flexible BudgetingFlexible Budgeting

Flexible Budget For this assignment, refer to the scenario located in “Problems Series A,” section 8-19A of Ch. 8, “Performance Evaluation,“ of Fundamentals of Managerial Accounting Concepts. This scenario puts you in charge of preparing a budget for the Redmond Management Association annual public relations luncheon. Read the scenario in the textbook and complete the […]


Writing, using software, and interpreting results is a large part of your learning experience. These assignments are designed to improve your use of technology and communication skills. Using proper business English and resources from the library you will comment and share your research with your classmates. Make sure you note your source in proper APA […]

presentation on project value delivery and strategy planningpresentation on project value delivery and strategy planning

   The presentation should be appropriate for an executive debriefing, introducing the concept of Project Value Delivery Strategy  Planning to the audience.  Assume Project Value Delivery is a new concept for the people you are presenting to.  You only have 12-15 minutes on the agenda and have been advised not to exceed this limit. (brevity […]