Discipline: Business Finance - Accounting

D QsD Qs

1. This unit focused on the two basic types of accounting methods, job order and process costing, used for valuing products as they are being produced. Think about the industry that you currently work in or the one in which you would like to work in. What type of costing method is typically used in […]

Federal Trade CommissionFederal Trade Commission

   A minimum of 175 words: What purpose does the Federal Trade Commission serve and why must business owners be educated on Federal Trade Commission practices? Consider 1 of the following sections of the Federal Trade Commission Act: Deceptive Advertising Labeling and Packaging Laws Sales Regarding the section you chose, provide an example of when […]


  Introduction: TRICARE is the healthcare provider for active or retired military personnel. It also covers the family of these persons. There are a variety of plans and qualifications that go along with this coverage. In order to understand TRICARE, it is important to understand the benefits available and to whom they are available. Tasks: […]


Prepare a 10 point slide presentation with detailed speaker’s notes and visuals elements. Complete the following in your presentation: Identify a company that could benefit from better use of social media. Analyze at least 10 digital and social media channels and describe the strengths and weaknesses of each of these as a marketing tool for […]


   When should change be stable? To this day, I really don’t know how to answer that question. Maybe it’s because I… don’t like stability? But who doesn’t want to be stable, less turbulent, and enjoy a comfortable life to old age. I still hope to have a very stable life. But that shouldn’t happen […]

Discussion Module sevenDiscussion Module seven

Think back to your research question used in module 6 (or come up with a new research question).  Describe a correlation and/or regression analysis that could be used to analyze the research question.  Include the type of research design and describe the variables that would be used. Post your initial response to the discussion question no […]

Unit VI Discussion – HRMUnit VI Discussion – HRM

 Share an example based on your own experiences where the characteristics of a leader who you worked for had a clear impact on the employees or the organization. Explain why this leader was either effective or ineffective. What are the lessons learned that you can apply to your own leadership development? 

Term 4 Week 8 DiscussionsTerm 4 Week 8 Discussions

   Week 8 Discussion Forum (MKT6920 Marketing Management) Discuss with your classmates the importance of marketing and what you learned in this class that you can apply for your future career and/or business opportunities. Week 8 Discussion Forum (MGT5430 Organizational Behavior) What      contributions can high self-monitors make in organizations? Low      self-monitors? What do you      think […]


Review the Chapter 5 Case Study: “Goggle’s Foray into ‘Device Makers’ in Its Search for the Next Big Thing” and the Chapter 6 Case Study: “Has Proctor & Gamble Fully Recovered From Its 2005 Acquisition of Gillette?” in the textbook and respond to the questions related to each case. After responding to the case study […]


Review the assigned article, “Keeping the Sale of Your Private Company on Track.” What are the common preparation mistakes sellers make in preparing to sell their company? Which one of those mistakes is most likely to be fatal? Explain your answer. Keeping the Sale of Your Private Company On Track. (2007). Financial Executive, 23(3), 40–42.