Discipline: Business Finance - Accounting


  Which assignments were the most thought-provoking for you? Why? How has your perspective or understanding of legal strategies for business been changed, challenged, reinforced, or deepened? Explain. Review the courses you are enrolled in for the upcoming session. How does what you learned in this course connect with the content to be covered in […]


  In New York City, 2406-12 Amsterdam Associates, LLC, brought an action in a New York state court against Alianza Dominicana and Alianza, LLC, to recover unpaid rent. The plaintiff asserted cause to pierce the corporate veil, alleging that Alianza Dominicana had made promises to pay its rent while discreetly forming Alianza, LLC, to avoid […]

Global Financial ManagementGlobal Financial Management

This assignment has 3 parts: Review the Course Objectives, accessed by clicking on the “Syllabus” tab on the left-hand side of the page, then scroll down to the “Course Objectives”. How will accomplishing these objectives support your success in management? What risks or challenges might a manager encounter if they have not mastered these objectives? Explain. What […]

week 6 assignment dataweek 6 assignment data

  Air Scrubbers  Furnace Fuel Change Initial Investment   $      1,350,000    $        1,385,000    Annual Net Cash Flows   $         225,000    $           315,000    Annual Net Income   $         135,000    $           150,000       Project Life   15 years   15 years   Average Book Value   $         675,000    $           692,500    Cost of Capital   6%   6%  

Career PreparationCareer Preparation

If there is no Meet the Firms event during the semester, or if it is geographically not possible for you to attend this event as an online student, research a professional license, certification, advanced degree or designation related to accounting or your chosen career path. Write a paper (750‐1,000 words) that includes the following: The career […]

Module 8 FInal Project Part 2Module 8 FInal Project Part 2

In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course competency:  ACC-307-02: Identify issues in financial reporting using key ratios and generally accepted accounting principles Prompt Use the provided workbook and the Final Project Part II template to create your report. Specifically, you must address the critical elements listed below. Most of […]

Term 4 Week 7 DiscussionsTerm 4 Week 7 Discussions

   Term 4 Week 7 Discussion Week 7 Discussion Forum (MKT6920 Marketing Management) Discuss how a company can successfully manage customer relations. Please note that Wikipedia and Investopedia are not acceptable sources as they are considered non-academic. Week 7 Discussion Forum (MGT5430 Organizational Behavior) Distinguish      between career paths, career ladders, and career lattices. Describe      force […]

Blog 2Blog 2

Create a second blog entry (Professional Blog Exercise 2). Using the feedback you got form your first blog, create a second blog on a topic of your interest. Be sure to review “Creating a Professional Blog” and “Blog Best Practices” from Chapter 7 of your textbook and apply the “Five Journalistic Ws” to your blog.  […]