Discipline: Business Finance - Economics

Finance ClassFinance Class

Please only genuine ones i need. I had so much bad experiences now and i can’t trust with them. I am attaching one simple questions, whoever solves it right will be my tutor.   A company is considering two mutually exclusive expansion plans. Plan A requires a $39 million expenditure on a large-scale integrated plant that […]

Potential OutputPotential Output

Answer the following 2 questions in Max 250 words: 1.) Do you feel our country is currently operating at it’s ‘Maximum Output’ (or ‘Potential GDP’)?  2.) What evidence could you point to suggest that we are at or near our ‘maximum output’?  Or what evidence suggests that we are not producing as much as we […]

Case Study: Dynamic Pricing – Strategies for Enhancing ProfitabilityCase Study: Dynamic Pricing – Strategies for Enhancing Profitability

Overview Dynamic pricing is a collection of pricing strategies used by firms and organization to enhance profits. You will begin by exploring pricing techniques that operate in the market in real time. Then you will explore how auctions are employed in the search to find the value of goods and services.  Consult the following video before getting started: […]

3 FP13 FP1

Business Environment: Analyze the internal and external setting of your chosen organization.  A. Perform a TOWS analysis to determine a strategic approach to threats, opportunities, weaknesses, and strengths for your chosen organization.  B. Based on the TOWS analysis, ascertain strategic areas for improvement in the organization’s approach to doing business. Support with specifics from the […]


 The Importance of Striving to Become an  Exemplary Steward.  ▪ 3,500 – 4,000 words  ▪ APA- ▪ Minimum of eight scholarly references  ▪ Integrate data and information completed in the template and supported by scholarly and/or biblical references.  ▪ Add your completed templates as appendices to your research paper 


1. Choose a topic from the list in the document,” The Most Popular Economic Issues in 2018.” 2. Choose a side to the issue and justify the position using at least three specific points. 3. Cite your points with one or more articles from a reputable online newspaper, magazine or journal. A recognized internet or […]

Global EconomicsGlobal Economics

Main task Submit a report that addresses the below two questions. The report should have a cover, table of contents and the references at the end. Citations along the text that indicate where the information used comes from are necessary. Part 1: The USA has had a significant current account deficit for several decades now. […]

Assignment #1Assignment #1

Q#1: This week, we are going to explore the concepts of the law of one price and the theory of purchasing power parity. In brief, these tell us that in the absence of trade barriers, the same product should cost the same in all countries (the law of one price). However, there are transaction costs […]


Perform a TOWS analysis of the company. This should accomplish the following: Identify threats to the organization and opportunities in the external environment that the organization can capitalize on. Identify the strengths and weaknesses in the organization. What does it do well? What could it do better? Required 1-2 paragraphs American Apparel :Drowning in debt