PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU UNDERSTAND THE ASSIGNMENT….. PLEASE I NEED THIS BY THURSDAY….. NOTE: TEMPLATE IS ATTACHED……. OBJECTIVE Define “big data” Explore how data is collected and used by companies As a consumer, you are constantly giving away your data, whether you realize it or not. As you learned about in class, “Cookies” are little […]
Discipline: Business Finance - Management
Business Finance – Management Assignment 1 – Adapt or Die: Businesses That Failed to InnovateBusiness Finance – Management Assignment 1 – Adapt or Die: Businesses That Failed to Innovate
Please make sure that you understand the instructions.. Please I need this by Thursday…… “THE TEMPLATE IS ATTACHED” OBJECTIVE Identify and analyze a company within the entertainment and media industries that went out of business Conduct research using the library databases EBSCOHost and Nexis Uni Research a company dossier OVERVIEW In recent decades advances in […]
Business Finance – Management Week 3 Assignment – Rationale and Analysis for Agency SelectedBusiness Finance – Management Week 3 Assignment – Rationale and Analysis for Agency Selected
Please note, that the assignments in this course build upon one another. For these assignments, you will take on the role of a consultant for a government agency. Your consulting firm has been asked by the agency to conduct research, compile a report, and provide recommendations for improvement of their personnel management system. The first […]
Business Finance – Management Wk 6 – Apply: Signature Assignment: Strategic PlanBusiness Finance – Management Wk 6 – Apply: Signature Assignment: Strategic Plan
Content Throughout this course, you have used different analysis strategies to determine best practices for developing your business plan. It’s time to develop a strategic plan to help you determine where your business is now, where you want to take it, and how you will get there. Your strategic plan will help you implement […]
Business Finance – Management HCP/514 WEEK 3: Signature Assignment: Laws, Statutes, and Acts Matrix and AnalysisBusiness Finance – Management HCP/514 WEEK 3: Signature Assignment: Laws, Statutes, and Acts Matrix and Analysis
Assignment Content Complete the Laws, Statutes, and Acts Matrix. and Write a 500- to 700-word narrative analysis that details how each of the laws, acts, and statutes listed in the above table have helped combat fraud and abuse in the health care industry. Cite 3 reputable references to support your assignment (e.g., trade or industry publications, government or […]
Business Finance – Management Wk 5 – Apply: Signature Assignment: Strategic AnalysisBusiness Finance – Management Wk 5 – Apply: Signature Assignment: Strategic Analysis
Content In Wk 2, you completed a SWOT analysis on a successful company that demonstrated a sustainable competitive advantage in the marketplace. Now, you will shift your focus to look at a company that is failing or experiencing challenges in the area of financial performance. Select and research a company that is having financial difficulties or is […]
Business Finance – Management HCP/514 WEEK 2 TEAM ASSIGNMENT: Health Care Board of DirectorsBusiness Finance – Management HCP/514 WEEK 2 TEAM ASSIGNMENT: Health Care Board of Directors
Assignment Content Review the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Office of Inspector General’s (OIG) Compliance Education Materials for Health Care Boards of Directors. Write a 525- to 700-word Guideline outlining the roles and responsibilities of the board of directors with regards to organizational compliance. Description of the importance of the Organization’s By-Laws and the Board of Directors’ responsibility […]
Business Finance – Management Ethics and Contemporary Issues Project: Presentation START ASSIGNMENTBusiness Finance – Management Ethics and Contemporary Issues Project: Presentation START ASSIGNMENT
This week you will take the ideas expressed in the written response you submitted last week and transform them into a presentation. Your presentation will consist of approximately 7-10 slides and will feature a narrated audio presentation of at least five minutes. For purposes of this assignment, PowerPoint is the recommended software. If you wish to […]
Business Finance – Management Wk 3 – Apply: Signature Assignment: Modified SWOT AnalysisBusiness Finance – Management Wk 3 – Apply: Signature Assignment: Modified SWOT Analysis
Content Week#3 assignment Successful businesses regularly analyze their processes to ensure they’re operating as efficiently as possible and maintaining their competitive advantages. Although you can assess a company in many ways, a common technique is the SWOT analysis. In this assignment, you will practice using a SWOT analysis to understand better the factors involved in […]
Business Finance – Management HCP/513 WEEK 6: Signature Assignment: Financial RelationshipsBusiness Finance – Management HCP/513 WEEK 6: Signature Assignment: Financial Relationships
As a compliance officer, it is important to have a good understanding of financial relationships within the organization you work for. Financial relationships can be affected by internal and external stakeholders, which is why it is necessary to have a strong, organized database to track financial relationships within an organization. Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that explains […]