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Discipline: Business Finance - Management
Module 4 thesis ‘statement assignmentModule 4 thesis ‘statement assignment
Side Panel Expand side panel Module Four Thesis Statement Assignment Guidelines and Rubric Web Page Previous Next
Success StaterySuccess Statery
Establishing a personal mission statement and setting goals are important steps in achieving success. Learning how to identify and align goals with your personal and professional values will establish standards to work toward. In this assignment, you’ll draft a personal mission statement and identify short-term goals to use throughout your educational career. Prompt Draft your […]
Week 5 – Final Project Strategic PlanWeek 5 – Final Project Strategic Plan
Strategic Plan Prior to completing this assignment, review your prior research and course submissions related to the company you selected (ExxonMobil) for research in Week 2’s Environmental Scanning interactive assignment. Ensure that you have incorporated the feedback you received from your previous submissions. In your Final Project this week, you will pull the various elements […]
Oral PresentationOral Presentation
An oral presentation is one of the most essential skills in business communication. Students will develop a three- to four-minute scripted training presentation that focuses on the foundations of business communication. The purpose of this presentation is to provide an audience with an overview of business communication. Visual aids such as images, clip art, transitions, […]
peerview 2peerview 2
Instructions Use MS Word to provide input into the paper you receive through email from me. Make sure Track Changes is on to make it easy for your peer to see your input. Anonymize your comments What to look for when providing a peer review? Does the draft have a Title, an Abstract, an Introduction, […]
Identify three industries that may have difficulty identifying their end-user customers. (Refer to the textbook examples, but do not take the examples straight from the book). (Due: Sunday) Industry 1: What makes identifying customers difficult in this industry? Why is it important for the industry to identify its end-users? How would the industry approach […]
Describe and name two companies you have done business with as a customer: One of them treats you as if you are a new customer every time you show up. The other one recognizes you. What makes this difference? What’s the effect on you of these disparate approaches? If you are a customer relationship manager […]
Discussion TopicDiscussion Topic
Management in Healthcare Discussion Topic: Interview Please read chapter 9 of the textbook. A non-question question often used to begin an interview is “Tell me all about yourself.” Is this a reasonable request? Why or why not? How have you handled that question? At Least 250 words. APA Format Course Materials Required Text or E-Book: […]
addressing diversity gapaddressing diversity gap
Addressing the Diversity Gap in Leadership Overview: Health care organizations face many unprecedented challenges and opportunities. Diversity is a major challenge that continues to overwhelm management teams. This challenge is noticeable in top leadership roles in health care where a lack of diversity exists in the areas of gender, ethnicity, and race. There is […]