Discipline: Business & Finance - Marketing


Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 600–1,000 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas. Review your Business Opportunity Process document, and from it, build […]


Deliverable Length: 2 board rosters: 500 words each; Discussion: 400–800 words Description Contact the group of people who will make up your board of advisors, and secure their commitment to your business. It is very common for the advisory boards of new entrepreneurial ventures to be comprised predominantly of friends and family, so this should […]

Principles of Marketing questionsPrinciples of Marketing questions

I need some assistance with this.  Phase 3: Prepare to present the findings Present findings and final report and PowerPoint presentation. Based on information collected by class write a one page paper in MLA format developing marketing strategies to be employed in the coming period by ADT. These strategies will include promotional strategies, advertising, and […]

Marketing Specific Skills and Association Exploration Journal [WLOs:1, 2] [CLOs: 5, 6]Marketing Specific Skills and Association Exploration Journal [WLOs:1, 2] [CLOs: 5, 6]

  Read, Watch, Explore: Step 1 – Complete the Marketing Skills: Developing Career ReadinessLinks to an external site. module. Step 2 – Visit two or three of the following professional marketing organizations and explore their websites: Identify benefits available to members of the organization through the following links (explore at least two links): AMA MembershipLinks […]

Analyze a Marketing PlanAnalyze a Marketing Plan

  Review the sample marketing plan provided in the link (attached). While more of a template or guide than a complete marketing plan, it does outline each of the parts of a marketing plan and provide fairly detailed suggestions and example formatting and images. Developing a Telehealth Marketing Plan: A Step by Step Guide [PDF]. […]

The four ‘S’ ModelThe four ‘S’ Model

Review the article, Effective Marketing Tool for the Marketing Professionals in Healthcare Organization: The 4 ‘S’ Model. Are there any elements from this article you believe you will implement in your own marketing plan in next week’s assignment? Why or why not?  article below:  Patients are becoming more demanding for the medical service delivery as organizations […]

Qualitative ResearchQualitative Research

 Develop an outline for the Review of Literature topics, ensuring you have one section specifying the broad societal/business/community issue it addresses, one section identifying the relevant population and the importance of the study to the population, and one section explaining various aspects of the phenomenon you are studying. 

Conflict – WorldviewConflict – Worldview

  In 250 words or less, using the definition of conflict from the textbook, reflect on how your worldview impacts each aspect. Your response should be well written, and claims should be supported by class readings or scholarly articles.   The attached needs to be rewritten since it didn’t clear plagiarism software.

marketing planmarketing plan

Students will be working on the following elements of the marketing plan: Situation analysis, Macro-Level External Environment (i.e., Political & Legal, Sociocultural, Technological, Economic) Competitive Environment (i.e., Threats of new entrants, rivalry among existing firms, Threats of substitute products, bargaining power of buyers, Bargaining power of suppliers) Internal environment (i.e., Firm Structure, Firm Culture, Firm […]