Discipline: Business Finance - Operations Management

5-2 Final Project Milestone Three: Analysis and Project Framework – Position Paper5-2 Final Project Milestone Three: Analysis and Project Framework – Position Paper

 In Milestone Three, you will submit a position paper targeted for the vice president of Operations at your scenario organization. You will present the PMO position and recommendation for this project that builds upon your previous information paper and decision paper. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: Introduce nontraditional project management (PM) frameworks. […]

Business Finance – Operations Management Procedure Instructions (Assignment # 3)Business Finance – Operations Management Procedure Instructions (Assignment # 3)

 Using intormation from the assigned reading and the instructions below, Write instructions tor a procedure related to a topic of interest. Remember to use correct grammar and spelling. You may use second person pOint-of-view (you) as necessary since this assignment requires giving directions to the user of the instructions. See the example instructions located here […]

DisBUSI701: Current Topics in Business Administration (discussion Thread: International Business)DisBUSI701: Current Topics in Business Administration (discussion Thread: International Business)

   Read: How Global Companies Win Out https://web.s.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail/detail?vid=0&sid=506da51f-7445-4fd0-aa5d-a3a06d65173c%40redis&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZSZzY29wZT1zaXRl#AN=3868077&db=bth Global Dimensions of Business (See attachment) Discussion Thread: International Business  Read Hout, Porter, & Rudden’s (1982) article and review the three examples of the companies that were successful in competing globally.  Each of the companies had a different approach to executing global strategy. In today’s current global environment, why […]

1-2 Short Presentation: Comparison of Traditional and Nontraditional Project Management1-2 Short Presentation: Comparison of Traditional and Nontraditional Project Management

For this activity, you will submit a five-slide PowerPoint presentation that includes a narrative of the speaker notes within the PowerPoint presentation.  Keep your presentation format to five slides composed in bullet point format. Describe the characteristics of the adaptive project management (APM) methodology. Distinguish the characteristics of adaptive project management (APM) versus traditional project […]


OVERVIEW Complete a case study of ABC Corporation. You will find the case in the case section of the text. A formal, in-depth case study analysis requires you to utilize the entire strategic management process. Assume you are a consult asked by the ABC Corporation to analyze its external/internal environment and make strategic recommendations. You […]

Business Finance – Operations Management INNOVATIVE BENEFITS PRACTICE ASSIGNMENTBusiness Finance – Operations Management INNOVATIVE BENEFITS PRACTICE ASSIGNMENT

OVERVIEW Building on the last discussion, conduct research to identify examples of innovative benefit practices. A great example is SAS, Inc. A useful starting point is an Internet search using phrases such as “best companies to work for.” What are some of the more innovative benefits practices that you found? Search for research articles examining […]

Business Finance – Operations Management BUSI701: Current Topics in Business Administration Every Good Endeavor Reflection: Cultural Engagement Assignment DueBusiness Finance – Operations Management BUSI701: Current Topics in Business Administration Every Good Endeavor Reflection: Cultural Engagement Assignment Due

   very Good Endeavor Reflection Assignment Instructions Overview Keller (2014) states, “We must love our neighbor, but Christianity gives us very specific teachings about human nature and what makes human beings flourish. We must make sure that our work is done in line with these understandings. Faithful work, then, is to operate out of a […]

Business Finance – Operations Management BUSI701: Current Topics in Business Administration Annotated Bibliography: Economic Data AssignmentBusiness Finance – Operations Management BUSI701: Current Topics in Business Administration Annotated Bibliography: Economic Data Assignment

Annotated Bibliography: Economic Data Assignment  Annotated Bibliography Assignment Instructions Overview In preparation for writing each of your Discussions, you should submit your Annotated Bibliography Assignment on the topic that is being covered for the week (Marketing, Accounting, Finance, Management, Economic Data Analysis, International Business).  Instructions An annotated bibliography is a list of sources (books, journals, […]

BUSI701: Current Topics in Business Administration Discussion Thread: Economic DataBUSI701: Current Topics in Business Administration Discussion Thread: Economic Data

  Read: Keller & Alsdorf: pp. 185 — 201   Read: The Value of US Government Data to US Business Decisions https://www.jstor.org/stable/26566980?saml_data=eyJzYW1sVG9rZW4iOiI1YzMxYzBmZC1jMDhmLTRhZDktYTJlNy1hZGU5ZTVhMGNiMGIiLCJpbnN0aXR1dGlvbklkcyI6WyJjNGZjMjNmMC01MDQzLTRiOWMtYjgzNS0wZTBkZDBhMDA2MjMiXX0   Discussion Thread: Economic Data   Read Hughes-Cromwick & Coronado’s (2019) article on the value of economic data on business decisions. Summarize the findings of the article and locate additional peer reviewed articles that […]

Business Finance – Operations Management BUSI710: Foundations of Applied Research Methods MINI-CONCEPT PAPER ASSIGNMENTBusiness Finance – Operations Management BUSI710: Foundations of Applied Research Methods MINI-CONCEPT PAPER ASSIGNMENT

Read: Robson & McCartan: Chapter 16  Watch: APA Style Basics: 7th Edition https://watch.liberty.edu/media/1_8f0tj39o?_ga=2.239371779.1640805551.1687283251-1358478900.1687283251&_gl=1*178uwog*_ga*MTM1ODQ3ODkwMC4xNjg3MjgzMjUx*_ga_YK8WH8QD6R*MTY4NzI4MzI1MC4xLjEuMTY4NzI4NjMzMy42MC4wLjA. BUSI 710 Mini-Concept Paper Template in attachment MINI-CONCEPT PAPER ASSIGNMENT  Mini-Concept Paper Assignment Instructions Using the feedback that has been given throughout the term, please write a mini-concept paper. The mini-concept paper is similar to a concept paper that one would do […]