Discipline: Business Finance - Operations Management

Can someone do my Week 6 discussion 1 in BUS 629 Financial Budgeting, Forecasting & Analysis?Can someone do my Week 6 discussion 1 in BUS 629 Financial Budgeting, Forecasting & Analysis?

  Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapter 20 and Chapter 21 in the Foundations of Financial Management textbook. Initial Response: Imagine you have been hired as a consultant to support a firm that wishes to expand its operations internationally. Your first assignment is to explain to the CEO and their staff the importance […]

BUSI820: Quantitative Research Methods Discussion Thread: Variables, Research Questions and Data CodingBUSI820: Quantitative Research Methods Discussion Thread: Variables, Research Questions and Data Coding

  Read: Morgan, Leech, Gloeckner, & Barrett: Chapters 1 – 2, Appendices A – B PageRead: Keller: Introduction – Part I PageWatch: Research Questions Hypothesis and Variables     Discussion Assignment Instructions The student will complete short-answer discussions in this course. The student will post short answers to the prompted questions in the thread for each […]

BUSI770: Strategy Formulation and Strategic Thinking Discussion Thread: Strategy Development, Strategy Decisions, and Decision ModelsBUSI770: Strategy Formulation and Strategic Thinking Discussion Thread: Strategy Development, Strategy Decisions, and Decision Models

       Read: Gamble, Peteraf, & Thompson: Chapter 1 & 2 Read: Rumelt: Chapters 16 – 17 Read: Krogerus & Tschäppeler: pp. 5 – 174 Read: Keller: Chapters 1 – 3 Watch: What is a Scholarly or Peer-Reviewed Journal? Discussion Assignment Instructions Overall Guidance: The discussions in this class will focus on a series of questions […]

Can someone do my Week 5 Journal in BUS 629 Financial Budgeting, Forecasting & Analysis?Can someone do my Week 5 Journal in BUS 629 Financial Budgeting, Forecasting & Analysis?

  Prior to beginning work on this assignment, watch the Week 5 Journal video with Brenda Forde, CPA, MBA, and review the Personal Investment and Diversification Resource document. In the last couple of weeks, you have been studying investment methods and opportunities for corporations. Using some of the same information and theories, you will apply […]

Can someone do my Week 5 Discussion in Financial Budgeting, Forecasting & Analysis?Can someone do my Week 5 Discussion in Financial Budgeting, Forecasting & Analysis?

  Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapters 16, 17, and 18 in the Foundations of Financial Management textbook. Initial Response: Assume you are the CFO of a medium-sized company and you are advising the CEO on some upcoming strategic initiatives that will have long-term implications. In other words, these are important […]

Business Finance – Operations Management Can someone do my Week 4 assignment Financial Budgeting, Forecasting & Analysis?Business Finance – Operations Management Can someone do my Week 4 assignment Financial Budgeting, Forecasting & Analysis?

  Prior to beginning work on this assignment, watch the Week 4 Assignment video with Brenda Forde, CPA, MBA. Research two contemporary finance topics, such as cryptocurrency (Bitcoin), microlending, crowdfunding, or green financing. There are several articles and videos in the recommended reading section that can familiarize you with these terms and aid in your […]

Can someone do my Week 4 discussion 2 Financial Budgeting, Forecasting & Analysis?Can someone do my Week 4 discussion 2 Financial Budgeting, Forecasting & Analysis?

  Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapter 15 in the Foundations of Financial Management textbook. Initial Response: For this discussion forum, Compare the advantages and disadvantages of using a Dutch Auction to a traditional underwriting method for an IPO. Identify one real-life IPO that occurred in 2020. Try to select a […]

Can someone do my Week 4 discussion 1 Financial Budgeting, Forecasting & Analysis?Can someone do my Week 4 discussion 1 Financial Budgeting, Forecasting & Analysis?

  Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapter 14 in the Foundations of Financial Management textbook. Initial Response: For this discussion forum, Discuss the evolution of the securities markets, including the impact of the NASDAQ, CME, ECNs, and foreign exchanges. Explain the role of securities markets in the efficient allocation of capital […]

Simulation in website SIMULATION – Strategic Innovation Simulation: Back Bay Battery (v3) Clayton M. Christensen; Willy Shih https://hbsp.harvard.edu/import/1156348Simulation in website SIMULATION – Strategic Innovation Simulation: Back Bay Battery (v3) Clayton M. Christensen; Willy Shih https://hbsp.harvard.edu/import/1156348

SIMULATION – Strategic Innovation Simulation: Back Bay Battery (v3) Clayton M. Christensen; Willy Shih https://hbsp.harvard.edu/import/1156348 Class Strategic Management  Simulation Schedule: Strategic Innovation Simulation: Back Bay Battery (v3) PRACTICE ROUNDS Dear International Strategic Management Executives: As many of you know, this class is our MBA Capstone Course which involves an Strategic Management simulation Learning Activity. This Learning Activity counts […]

Can someone do my Week 3 DISCUSSION 2 in Financial Budgeting, Forecasting & Analysis ?Can someone do my Week 3 DISCUSSION 2 in Financial Budgeting, Forecasting & Analysis ?

  Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapter 11: Cost of Capital in the Foundations of Financial Management textbook, watch the Week 3 Discussion video with Dr. Kevin Kuznia, DBA, CSSBB, PMP, and review the WACC and Cost of Capital AllocationLinks to an external site. interactive. Initial Response: For this discussion forum, you […]