Discipline: Business & Finance

Supporting Lectures:Supporting Lectures:

  Review the following lecture: Legal and Regulatory Issues Introduction: The 1986 Health Care Quality Improvement Act established a database that is intended to improve the quality of healthcare in this country. Two other databases have merged with it and now offer many potential advantages. Tasks: Describe the National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB). Identify the […]

Cover Letter and ResumeCover Letter and Resume

  You want to apply for the position of Human Resources Director with a Fortune 1000 company in the field of retailing. The company “would prefer” applicants with at least four years of experience, though others can also apply. You are six months short on the preferred experience. However, you are absolutely confident of yourself […]

Creating a ReportCreating a Report

  An outline of how you have formulated your response to Richard Hackman’s statement. Your outline should provide a reasonable framework for the report and show where you are going to use each of the pieces of information you found through your research An introduction to the report that explains the purpose of the report, […]

Interoffice MemoInteroffice Memo

  Interoffice Memo The following memo is from an exasperated manager to her staff. Obviously, this manager does not have the time to clean up her writing or another set of eyes to review her written material before mailing it. From: Albertina Sindaha, Operations Manager To: All Employees Subject: Cleanup! Message You were all supposed […]

discussion 24 hours 150 wordsdiscussion 24 hours 150 words

what type of funds would you purchase right now if you won the Powerball this week? History has also told us that buying internationally will lower your risk and improve your return over the long run. Where you would put money internationally and how? Additionally, post your response to the following questions.  Investors in the […]

Policy PropositionPolicy Proposition

Directions:   Identify a social problem, local or global, that you feel passionate about.  Off Topics List:  The topics of abortion, gun control, capital punishment or lowering the drinking age Each student must write a policy proposition for his/her Argumentative Speech.  The following guidelines will assist you in that endeavor. 1. First select a topic […]

Advanced ExcelAdvanced Excel

 CIS250 – Advanced Excel Case Study 2 Copyright 2022 Post University, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Due Date: 11:59 pm EST Sunday of Unit 4 Points: 100 Overview: In this case study, you have been provided with a spreadsheet with a large amount of sales data for a company. The data is not well organized. You have […]


 The management of the Auto Parts Division of the Santana Corporation receives a bonus if the division’s income achieves a specific target. For 2021, the target will be achieved by a wide margin. Mary Beth Williams, the controller of the division, has been asked by Philip Stanton, the head of the division’s management team, to […]


 In this week’s Discussion, you will analyze the accounting policies of a company, and discuss your findings with your colleagues. How does the company account for its receivables? Did the company manage its receivables effectively? Select any publicly traded manufacturing or merchandising company. Visit the company’s website, and locate their SEC filings, in particular their […]