Discipline: Business

Acknowledge EmployeesAcknowledge Employees

Using your point of view, discuss: Because of the pessures of COVID19, your clinic has experienced a spike in the amount of work that needs to be done. You are understaffed and your employees are overworked and burned out. You fear losing more employees and you’re exploring ways to ensure that you manage your operation […]

creat 4 vlogscreat 4 vlogs

Learning Goal: I’m working on a business question and need guidance to help me learn. Your goal is to create 4 engaging vlogs and develop a community aroundthem. Your vlogs must reflect your passion and deliver value to yourtarget customers. You must adopt lean startup and value proposition design principles to iteratively develop your vlogs. […]

create 4 vlogscreate 4 vlogs

Learning Goal: I’m working on a business question and need guidance to help me learn. Your goal is to create 4 engaging vlogs and develop a community aroundthem. Your vlogs must reflect your passion and deliver value to yourtarget customers. You must adopt lean startup and value proposition design principles to iteratively develop your vlogs. […]

W4 Discussion 1 BUS434 Compensation & Benefits ManagementW4 Discussion 1 BUS434 Compensation & Benefits Management

Learning Goal: I’m working on a business discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn. Prior to completing this discussion forum, read Chapter 7: Reward Systems: Benefits in the textbook. Performance standards help to set the foundation for success when it comes to evaluations, motivation, and a competitive pay system. For […]

Leadership journalLeadership journal

Learning Goal: I’m working on a business question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn. I need to do journals #2 and #3 about my leadership project proposal. I have towrite about the experience with the people I’m leading in the project.Attached is my project proposal and the first journal I did. […]