Discipline: Business

meta and marketingmeta and marketing

Learning Goal: I’m working on a business question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn. Integrated Marketing Communications, that outlines the blended mix of promotional tools (advertising, personal selling, sales promotion etc.). Consider which mix of tools will be best suited to the company/organization (choose at least 2) .Discuss why these would […]

Framework for researchFramework for research

Learning Goal: I’m working on a business project and need support to help me learn. Review the literature in your current research area and identify two theoretical frameworks you deem fit for your study. Critically examine the relationship of these theories to your research. Which of the two theoretical frameworks is best suited for your […]

Week 2 Discussion ForumWeek 2 Discussion Forum

Learning Goal: I’m working on a business discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn. Please review the attached document and provide examples of Financial Modeling Applications (e.g. Banking, Housing, Credit Rating, etc.) Do you use Financial Modeling in your daily job? If so, how? Please include at least 1 reference and […]

Week sevenWeek seven

Learning Goal: I’m working on a business discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn. If your organization uses e-learning, is it effective for training employees? Why or why not? What online training and development systems/methods would you recommend? Explain.

Prepare a check sheet, Pareto diagram with cumulative percentage and Interpret your Pareto diagram and the cumulative percentagePrepare a check sheet, Pareto diagram with cumulative percentage and Interpret your Pareto diagram and the cumulative percentage

Learning Goal: I’m working on a business project and need support to help me learn. The following is the car repair shop data: Prepare a check sheet for the above car repair shop data. (5 pt.) Prepare a Pareto diagram with cumulative % as explained in Supplemental Reading Video. (10 pt). Interpret your Pareto diagram […]