Discipline: Business

Ethical decision making modelEthical decision making model

Learning Goal: I’m working on a business writing question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. Please submit your final version of the ethical decision-making model that you created over the past few weeks. A good final paper should include: 1. A careful description of the model. As we have discussed before, […]

Write a 200 word report on automobile industry with what has happened in this industry in the last 30 days .Write a 200 word report on automobile industry with what has happened in this industry in the last 30 days .

Learning Goal: I’m working on a business report and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. The report should contain what has happened in this industry in the last 30 days . The report should have 5 intext citations and 5 references .The report should be 200 words including the citations. More or […]

Discussion Thread: How to Respond to Potential Union ActivityDiscussion Thread: How to Respond to Potential Union Activity

Learning Goal: I’m working on a business discussion question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. You are the Human Resources manager for large distribution site. Your recent employee opinion survey indicated that overall, employees felt that this was a good place to work. However, recent downturns in the economy have resulted […]

The main purpose of the project is to analyze how competitive forces impact a specified industryThe main purpose of the project is to analyze how competitive forces impact a specified industry

Learning Goal: I’m working on a business report and need guidance to help me learn. Industry Forces – 1-2 pages Use Porter’s Five Forces model to analyze this industry- Podcasting services- Apple, Spotify, and Sirius XM. For each force, indicate the relative strength (weak/moderate/strong) Use of spreadsheets, charts, graphs and visual elements is permitted and […]

Report Part 2Report Part 2

Learning Goal: I’m working on a business question and need guidance to help me learn. I attached part 1 for you; I already have part 1 done, just use it to do part 2 please For part 2, Each student must conduct 5 problem validation interviews and 5 solution validation interviews (that is, a minimum […]