Discipline: Business

financial management project (include excel,NPV calculation)financial management project (include excel,NPV calculation)

Learning Goal: I’m working on a business project and need support to help me learn. 1. FINANCIAL MODEL IN EXCEL SPREADSHEET 2. WRITTEN REPORT: The paper in a word document, 1200 words, (not including title or reference pages) double spaced, using APA format 3. POWERPOINT SLIDES: – “Shark Tankâ€� style presentation to class asking for […]

Leadership and OrganizationalLeadership and Organizational

Learning Goal: I’m working on a business writing question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. Overview In this last assignment, you will examine how politics and power influence an organization and its culture. In business, power and politics greatly influence an organization’sculture and may hinder organizational productivity. As you continue toexplore […]

Organizational Behavior!Organizational Behavior!

Answer the following questions in detail and provide examples whenever possible (delete the blank lines and replace with your answer): 1. Define organizational behavior (OB). How can learning OB help you in your daily life? 2. What behavioral sciences contribute to our understanding of OB? Select one of these behavioral sciences and describe how it […]

Developing and Using Effective Indicators!Developing and Using Effective Indicators!

Explain concept of SMART goals in the development of indicators for evaluating healthcare performance and guiding healthcare decision-making. How would you use them for healthcare improvement activities as a healthcare manager? Your APA formatted assignment comprising 2-4 double-spaced pages, typed in 12 points Times New Roman (or 11 points Calibri) citing 2-3 credible sources excluding […]

Developing and Using Effective IndicatorsDeveloping and Using Effective Indicators

Explain concept of SMART goals in the development of indicators for evaluating healthcare performance and guiding healthcare decision-making. How would you use them for healthcare improvement activities as a healthcare manager? Your APA formatted assignment comprising 2-4 double-spaced pages, typed in 12 points Times New Roman (or 11 points Calibri) citing 2-3 credible sources excluding […]

Key Performance Indicators!Key Performance Indicators!

Give your point of view of: Although Key Performance Indicators (KPI) are invariably used in gauging healthcare performance, the concept is considered “deadâ€� by some in the modern day of information technology usage that makes the desired information “clickâ€� away. Why is so? Are KPI still useful for guiding healthcare performance? And if so, how? […]

Key Performance IndicatorsKey Performance Indicators

Give your point of view of: Although Key Performance Indicators (KPI) are invariably used in gauging healthcare performance, the concept is considered “deadâ€� by some in the modern day of information technology usage that makes the desired information “clickâ€� away. Why is so? Are KPI still useful for guiding healthcare performance? And if so, how? […]