Discipline: Career and Professional Development

Engineering career(don’t add this on my title for the essay like I said choose a outstanding title to go with it)Engineering career(don’t add this on my title for the essay like I said choose a outstanding title to go with it)

final product as a essay and the end like the images I sent what my professor wants us to do also add a thesis outline in the end with the essay combined. if you need any personal information let me know I’ll happily provide it. also my career choice is engineering and choose a good […]

Becoming an Expert Organizational Level – Mission, Vision, and Value / Philosophy DevelopmentBecoming an Expert Organizational Level – Mission, Vision, and Value / Philosophy Development

The purpose of this assignment is to become an expert on one OD intervention and    train your coworkers (other students). In a later assignment, you will learn an impressive number of OD interventions by viewing your coworkers’ videos. My Organizational Developmental Topic is Organizational Level – Mission, Vision, and Value / Philosophy Development.  I have […]

Critical Report discussing and analyzing the role of Critical Professional Practice.Critical Report discussing and analyzing the role of Critical Professional Practice.

  Your summative assessment is a Critical Report discussing and analyzing the role of Critical Professional Practice. Students need to critically tackle the learning outcomes mentioned below that analyze the concept of professional development and growth through the different topics (Professional Development, Critical Thinking, Theoretical Frameworks and Concepts, Reflecting on Learning, Professional Practice and Knowledge […]

Explaining yourself (your financial situation and employment background), professional plans after graduation.Explaining yourself (your financial situation and employment background), professional plans after graduation.

Question: The essay portion should be 750-1000 words explaining yourself (your financial situation and employment background), professional plans after graduation, and what makes you a strong candidate for the Jacob Markovitz scholarship. Points to be used in the essay: My father had a stroke since last year so financially I could use the moneyI plan […]