Discipline: Chemistry

Prepare a concept map on “molecular shapes”. The concept maps must include the following “categories” (information): Electron Configuration, Octet rule, Lewis and VSEPR theory, Valence Bond (and hybridization), and Molecular Orbitals.Prepare a concept map on “molecular shapes”. The concept maps must include the following “categories” (information): Electron Configuration, Octet rule, Lewis and VSEPR theory, Valence Bond (and hybridization), and Molecular Orbitals.

1 Prepare a concept map on “molecular shapes”. The concept maps must include the following “categories” (information): Electron Configuration, Octet rule, Lewis and VSEPR theory, Valence Bond (and hybridization), and Molecular Orbitals. 2 Choose a molecule with everyday life application, like a drug, natural biological, organic synthetic, other. The Molecule must contain the following • 15atoms […]

BIOCHEM, chapter 17,18,21. Write a biochem question for each chapter and three options for answer on each question. One correct option and two incorrect.BIOCHEM, chapter 17,18,21. Write a biochem question for each chapter and three options for answer on each question. One correct option and two incorrect.

Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 21 Questions do’s Must be your own. They must be critical thinking questions. In general, they should fall into one of the following classifications: application/analysis what-if scenario compare and contrast Use the questions we poll in class, the questions from the Example Qs document, and the questions from the Homework […]

Designing and Carrying out a Lab Relating to Fruits, Vegetables, or Food StorageDesigning and Carrying out a Lab Relating to Fruits, Vegetables, or Food Storage

You will need to design and carry out a lab experiment for each unit to explore questions you have about the science behind the foods covered in each unit. You’ll need to come up with an Introduction, Hypothesis, Experiment Design & Method, which is the procedure I’ll have to follow. I’ll need an Independent & […]

Article: Celecoxib determination in different layersof skin by a newly developed and validatedHPLC‐UV methodArticle: Celecoxib determination in different layersof skin by a newly developed and validatedHPLC‐UV method

The instructions are all listed in the word-document so basically you have to write a 15-pages essay on an article about the chemical substance celecoxib. I chose the following article: Celecoxib determination in different layersof skin by a newly developed and validatedHPLC‐UV method. The article is in one of the files below. In the word […]

Extraction, Purification and Structural Characterization of Polysaccharides in Senna Tora Plant.Extraction, Purification and Structural Characterization of Polysaccharides in Senna Tora Plant.

Instructions Based on the pertinent literature, you will write a review paper in which you present and explain the scientific concepts, the up-to-date state of research, and the open questions that are relevant to your field, including reasons and methods for undertaking further research. While most often based on the theme of your MSc researchproject, […]

the compounds are quinol derivatives.The techniques are Absorption – Emission- Raman – FTIR, TCSPC, and Cyclic Voltammetrythe compounds are quinol derivatives.The techniques are Absorption – Emission- Raman – FTIR, TCSPC, and Cyclic Voltammetry

the compounds are quinol derivatives. The techniques are Absorption – Emission- Raman – FTIR, TCSPC, and Cyclic Voltammetry The Literature Review have both focus: the sample and the methods On the sample part, the idea is to study quinol derivatives because they have redox centers, and can undergo intra-proton transfers. Intra-proton transfers are not yet […]

“Types of lipids, their structures, functions in the body, and health effects”“Types of lipids, their structures, functions in the body, and health effects”

The lipid panel of a blood test measures the total cholesterol in blood. This consists of the four types of lipids in blood, which include those considered as “good” and “bad” cholesterol. Besides, the body stores excess calories by creating triacylglycerols, which are stored in fat cells. The amounts of lipids in the human body […]

Chemical Kinetics- Determining the Rate Constant of a Crystal Violet Reaction LabChemical Kinetics- Determining the Rate Constant of a Crystal Violet Reaction Lab

Learning Goal: I’m working on a chemistry multi-part question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. Complete the instructions on the worksheet https://worksheets.beyondlabz.com/multiembedq.php?… . I have already done most steps and included the data I have received from it. Requirements: complete all questions

Describe (and explain, teach) the Clausius-Clapeyron equation and then use it to conduct a 10, 50, and 100 year analysis of the increase in atmospheric water vapor at each of the three cities of your choice.Describe (and explain, teach) the Clausius-Clapeyron equation and then use it to conduct a 10, 50, and 100 year analysis of the increase in atmospheric water vapor at each of the three cities of your choice.

Your written work should be font sized 10 or 11, double spaced, and a minimum of three but no more than four pages. Formulas and images (if you choose to include) should be appropriately sized (do not take up half a page with an image). All work, units and significant figures must be shown and […]

Organic Chemistry, enantiomeric excess and specific rotation questions, very short two questionsOrganic Chemistry, enantiomeric excess and specific rotation questions, very short two questions

Learning Goal: I’m working on a chemistry question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. 1. The specific rotation of pure (+)-camphor is +44 degrees. A sample containing this compound and its enantiomer in some combination was found to have a specific rotation of 27 degrees. What is the fraction (in decimal […]