Discipline: Communications and Media

Media Multiplexity Theory on Technology Makes the Heart Grow Fonder? A Test of Media Multiplexity Theory for Family ClosenessMedia Multiplexity Theory on Technology Makes the Heart Grow Fonder? A Test of Media Multiplexity Theory for Family Closeness

– ***Below are the instructions attached on files ** But I will put instructions.  – there are two examples to help you structure the essay.   – *** MAKE SURE YOU USE ANY NUMBERS THAT ARE IMPORTANT AND SATISTICS TO SUPPORT THE HYPOTHESIS  ***Media multiplexity to interpersonal communication *** -summarize or paraphrase) the reasoning leading up to […]

Literature Review of my thesis: My thesis titles “Family Bonds and Beyond: A textual analysis of family relationships and gender in Nollywood Drama Films”Literature Review of my thesis: My thesis titles “Family Bonds and Beyond: A textual analysis of family relationships and gender in Nollywood Drama Films”

Write my literate review (approx. 10k words) – I have the full outline – I have written a draft for 3k words already (please review and change them to your abilities) THE literature review preceeds the analysis of 9 Nollywood films. So, some of the findings in the films will be explained using  the literature […]

about social media defamation,reputation protection, and social media anti-trollingabout social media defamation,reputation protection, and social media anti-trolling

1.Please read “assignment instrcution”carefully!  2.I need A comment piece (not a presentation):  is a cross between an opinion column and an academic mini-essay with a clear focus, commenting on a particular story, topic or case in an informed way. Comment Piece should outline and discuss in a critically reflective and detailed manner relevant ethical and/or regulatory […]

Reading: The Right to Look Author(s): Nicholas Mirzoeff Source: Critical Inquiry, Vol. 37, No. 3 (Spring 2011), pp. 473-496 Published by: The University of Chicago Press Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1086/659354 .Reading: The Right to Look Author(s): Nicholas Mirzoeff Source: Critical Inquiry, Vol. 37, No. 3 (Spring 2011), pp. 473-496 Published by: The University of Chicago Press Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1086/659354 .

Reading: The Right to Look Author(s): Nicholas MirzoeffSource: Critical Inquiry, Vol. 37, No. 3 (Spring 2011), pp. 473-496 Published by: The University of Chicago Press Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1086/659354 . 3 Three important ideas/arguments from the text Which issues are motivating the article’s thesis? What does the author want his/her/their reader to know about this issue? Start with a 1-2 […]

2 HOURS DEADLINE! Media Literacy Assignment: You will watch and critique a film based on historic events or meaningfully set in a different time period.2 HOURS DEADLINE! Media Literacy Assignment: You will watch and critique a film based on historic events or meaningfully set in a different time period.

Media Literacy Assignment Directions (Due Sunday, September 24th): You will watch and critique a film based on historic events or meaningfully set in a different time period. Please read the sample paper provided in Blackboard! Film Criteria: Needs to be a feature film (not a documentary, Youtube video, short, or TV show)Can be made at […]

A Cluster Criticism on Matthew McConaughey Commencement speech at University of HoustonA Cluster Criticism on Matthew McConaughey Commencement speech at University of Houston

MINI CRITICISM PAPER OUTLINE Author information:  Include your name, course info, and date on the upper left corner of the first page.  Double space the entire paper.     Title:  Type the title of your paper, centered.     I.  Introduction (1 paragraph)          A.  Attention-getter          B.  Identify research question           C.  State thesis in one sentence          D.  Explain why this argument is significant    II. […]

please read the instructions carefully, read the articles provided and read the textbook pages provided in order to write the case study. Do not use Artificial intelligence AT ALL , DO IT YOURSELF, this assignment will be checked for AI use.no plagiarismplease read the instructions carefully, read the articles provided and read the textbook pages provided in order to write the case study. Do not use Artificial intelligence AT ALL , DO IT YOURSELF, this assignment will be checked for AI use.no plagiarism

Case Study instructions: For this case study, start by reading the articles at the links provided : 1/ https://hbr.org/2022/03/the-great-resignation-didnt-start-with-the-pandemic 2/https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2022/03/09/majority-of-workers-who-quit-a-job-in-2021-cite-low-pay-no-opportunities-for-advancement-feeling-disrespected/ 3/https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20220817-why-workers-just-wont-stop-quitting 4/https://www.mga.edu/news/2022/04/what-is-the-great-resignation.phpThe case study should answer the following questions using the resources provided ( the textbook pages and articles) I’veprovided pictures of the textbook pages where you can find information. Questions for the case study: 1. What core assumptions of […]

Choose one quote from Horkheimer & Adorno that represents an idea that you find problematic.Choose one quote from Horkheimer & Adorno that represents an idea that you find problematic.

Highlight reflects amendments made to the assignment for clarity. In your first written  assignment, you will conduct a critique of McDonald or Adorno & Horkheimer. Unlike what we see on social media, in academic writing, you will rarely see a complete takedown or blazing criticism of an academic piece. Most critiques are subtle and targeted; they […]

What is your tentative idea thus far for a topic for the research paper project? How do you think it fits with the criteria discussed in “What makes a good topic for CA272?” in the research paper portion of this week’s lecture?What is your tentative idea thus far for a topic for the research paper project? How do you think it fits with the criteria discussed in “What makes a good topic for CA272?” in the research paper portion of this week’s lecture?

As you start brainstorming broad topics and using research to narrow those ideas down, there are a few things to keep in mind: 1) Does your topic deal with interpersonal communication? There are two components to this. First, your topic needs to be “interpersonal,” that is it needs to focus on relationships between people. Second, your […]

The Curative Effect of Social Media on Fake News: A Historical Re- evaluation” by Margaret Van HeekerenThe Curative Effect of Social Media on Fake News: A Historical Re- evaluation” by Margaret Van Heekeren

1. State the writer’s main argument. 2. Did the writer support this argument well? If so, how. If not, tell me why. 3. Given the amount of information presented in the work, did the writer provide a strong enough conclusion? Give reasons why or why not. 4. Lastly, tell me in one paragraph a fake […]