Discipline: Communications and Media

Portfolio, 2500 words total Four 250 word responses to weekly questions One 1500 word essayPortfolio, 2500 words total Four 250 word responses to weekly questions One 1500 word essay

Assignment Guidance Portfolio, 2500 words total Four 250 word responses to weekly questions One 1500 word essay Remember that if you paraphrase or quote any definitions or linguistic examples from published sources, you should cite and reference those sources appropriately (please refer to the English Language and Linguistics writing manual on the Canvas site for this module). […]

The text entries in italics are suggested ways of approaching the sections, you do not have to cover them all, it is a personal statement, some aspects will be more relevant for you to highlight than others.The text entries in italics are suggested ways of approaching the sections, you do not have to cover them all, it is a personal statement, some aspects will be more relevant for you to highlight than others.

You must write a paper reflecting on the experience of the industry project and its relation to: Your performance individually and/or within the team. It is important that you analyse and reflect on your own strengths and weaknesses, and how these were manifested during the production process. How did you deal with problems and on […]

Leaders Encouraging Success : How positive reinforcement leads to a more productive work environmentLeaders Encouraging Success : How positive reinforcement leads to a more productive work environment

This is my capstone project for my graduate class this needs to be done with the upmost care and clarity. My topic is how leaders can encourage success with their employees through positive reinforcement. These are subtopics that can be touched upon on sources that you use.  These are subtopics:  Strategies  Success Professionalism  Motivation Encouragement  […]

Critically evaluate how the visual functions in relation to either: a. Tourism and travel OR b. History and memorialsCritically evaluate how the visual functions in relation to either: a. Tourism and travel OR b. History and memorials

Essay question is: Critically evaluate how the visual functions in relation to either: a. Tourism and travel OR b. History and memorials 1. Please read the Power point lecture slides I attached. 2. Use and answer these three seminar questions for the essay:  – How powerful is the ‘tourist gaze’ in terms of constructing place for us? […]

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s I Have a Dream speech used several of the techniques to make his speech impactful and memorable.Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s I Have a Dream speech used several of the techniques to make his speech impactful and memorable.

INSTRUCTIONS: I want you to not only list the five things he did well or techniques he used, but also explain in detail how he used them wisely. To do that, I need you to cite where in the book or slides we discussed the technique Dr. King used and how he did it well. You can cite just the chapter of either the textbook or the slides where […]

What is the biggest challenge faced by this generation of workers? What makes it more difficult than other potential challenges faced by workers today?What is the biggest challenge faced by this generation of workers? What makes it more difficult than other potential challenges faced by workers today?

What is the biggest challenge faced by this generation of workers? What makes it more difficult than other potential challenges faced by workers today?   When thinking about how to answer this question, I have two suggestions. First, remember that when we evaluate your assignments in this course, we care less about what you think […]

A Comparative Analysis of CGTN America and RT America: Misinformation and Soft Power in the New Media LandscapeA Comparative Analysis of CGTN America and RT America: Misinformation and Soft Power in the New Media Landscape

Instructions For the final paper, students will develop their proposals into a comparative analysis of regional/national media. For example, one might compare specific content (e.g. US’s Washington Post, Israel’s Haaretz coverage of Covid-19), media policies (Chinese vs. Saudi media regulations) or a genre (satire, romantic comedies, etc.) that operate in a transnational context. Writers will use secondary and primary sources (see definitions in Addendum […]

research the different ways that managers and leaders use communication to guide their organizations.research the different ways that managers and leaders use communication to guide their organizations.

Instructions For this assignment, you will research the different ways that managers and leaders use communication to guide their organizations. Find an instance where the organizational leader communicates directly with his or her employees, investors, or customers. Analyze the message, the channel, and the potential for feedback. Do you believe that it is effective? Do […]

The Harry Potter franchise. new release of the Hogwarts Legacy game. This has stirred up controversy around J. K. Rowling and how her franchise depicts antisemitism and racism.The Harry Potter franchise. new release of the Hogwarts Legacy game. This has stirred up controversy around J. K. Rowling and how her franchise depicts antisemitism and racism.

The final paper for this class is expected to be a completed manuscript for an academic or mass media publication. I expect you to work diligently on this assignment throughout the semester. The final paper is a media analysis. In some ways, it will be like the reviews that are assigned for class, but will […]

According to self-determination theory, is autonomy the most important drive for the selection and use of violent video games and to what extent are violent video games successful at achieving autonomy?According to self-determination theory, is autonomy the most important drive for the selection and use of violent video games and to what extent are violent video games successful at achieving autonomy?

Each Term Paper is a 6-page research paper answering one of a series of set questions using empirical research literature as the backbone of your answer. Your paper should provide an insightful, dispassionate review of and reflection on the research literature; it should not be persuasive, inflammatory, or entertaining in its tone. Nor should it be […]