Discipline: Communications and Media

Global Media Industries: Compare and Contrast the Main Tenets of Modernization Theory with Those of the Cultural Dependency SchoolGlobal Media Industries: Compare and Contrast the Main Tenets of Modernization Theory with Those of the Cultural Dependency School

I need to edit and revise my paper. I’ve attached a sample paper that received high marks (Mediatisation Essay) This is the feedback from my tutor: Does feel a bit descriptive. Needs a few more specific examples to help illustrate your points. Intro says you’re focusing on Africa so give examples from there. Needs a […]

How does rhetorical thinking (title of this class) help us better understand how CRAFT is central to communication? CRAFT standing for creative, relational, analytical, flexible, transformative.How does rhetorical thinking (title of this class) help us better understand how CRAFT is central to communication? CRAFT standing for creative, relational, analytical, flexible, transformative.

Use 15 authors from the class to explain: How does rhetorical thinking help us better understand how CRAFT is central to communication? Each reading counts as one author. For example, if you used Burke’s Dramatism and Terministic Screens essays, both essays would count as two authors. There is no minimum/maximum word count, just use 15 […]

Organizational Observation Project ( Watch “30 Rock” Season 1 to analyze by using organizational theories)Organizational Observation Project ( Watch “30 Rock” Season 1 to analyze by using organizational theories)

You will watch the season from the perspective of an outside observer/management consultant who has been brought in to do an analysis of the organizational workplace communication and processes (i.e. employee dissent, morale, internal communication, collaboration, leadership, etc…etc…) You will provide a deliverable/report of the quality expected from a consultant to a client. This is […]

A Critical Essay (Position Paper) on Journalistic Objectivity (Please see Detailed Prompt & Instructions below…)A Critical Essay (Position Paper) on Journalistic Objectivity (Please see Detailed Prompt & Instructions below…)

Subject: Communications: Media and Society Prompt 1) Journalistic Objectivity: Is it possible to give the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth in a news story? How does truth relate to objectivity? Critically examine the concept of fairness. What is it? How is it defined and operationalized in the media? How would you […]

d “Reclaiming Conversation: The Power of Talk in a Digital Age,” by Sherry Turkle.d “Reclaiming Conversation: The Power of Talk in a Digital Age,” by Sherry Turkle.

Book Report Assignment: This should be 4-5 pages typed.  Introduction: This should be one or two paragraphs with a brief overview of the theme, purpose and your evaluation of the book.   Summary of the Content: (1-2 pages) Brief summary of the key points of each chapter or group of chapters. What is the author’s […]

The project is grounded in your ability to use in-depth interviews to explore a topic related to communication of your choosing.The project is grounded in your ability to use in-depth interviews to explore a topic related to communication of your choosing.

This assignment is your final assignment for the class. The project is grounded in your ability to use in-depth interviews to explore a topic related to communication of your choosing. Your objective is to conduct 5-6 in-depth interviews with people who share a commonality and to explore questions of communication with them. Your project can […]

Green Hydrogen in the Euro-Mediterranean region: Analysis of institutional communication strategiesGreen Hydrogen in the Euro-Mediterranean region: Analysis of institutional communication strategies

The research Methodology needs to be better and enhanced so that it is more solid and supports the theoretical framework in which I have considerably advanced. I need more or less 50 pages including the analysis of the documents with KH coder or another tool which will help me analyse the documents and the media […]

hat effect has Groupthink had on discussion in groups and teams in your experience.hat effect has Groupthink had on discussion in groups and teams in your experience.

Using the textbook and the additional research found, write a two-page paper (500 words) addressing the questions below: What effect has Groupthink had on discussion in groups and teams in your experience. Or, describe the effect in the hypothetical Groupthink situation you create. What are the key symptoms of Groupthink in your situation and how […]

strategic plan for a university Communication Department to increase its enrollment and the number of majors in the program.strategic plan for a university Communication Department to increase its enrollment and the number of majors in the program.

The attached Word document Download Word documentis an AI-generated strategic plan for a university Communication Department to increase its enrollment and the number of majors in the program.  For this assignment, you will need to take this starting point and adapt the plan for the UCCS Communication Department. Can you add details? Yes. Can you cut parts? […]

report of at least 500 words summarizing the issues and providing quotes from both Lorde and the critic.report of at least 500 words summarizing the issues and providing quotes from both Lorde and the critic.

Artists who achieve fame often use their wealth and influence to address social issues and bring about change. These efforts can stir controversy and accusations of tokenism and virtue signaling. The assignment calls for you to write a report on one such attempt: a musical project to help preserve a dying indigenous language by New […]