Discipline: Communications and Media

analyze the documentary: “Minimalism: A Documentary About the Important Things,”analyze the documentary: “Minimalism: A Documentary About the Important Things,”

(for this assignment I’ve included my notes from the film and the chapters from my textbook) For this 5-page assignment, you will analyze the documentary: “Minimalism: A Documentary About the Important Things,” and evaluate (strengths and weaknesses) and discuss (explain) how concepts of the textbook/class are showcased in the film. Content The critical thinking essay […]

Research various MOBILE APPS that are capable of; Editing and Mixing Sound Editing Videos Editing Photographs.Research various MOBILE APPS that are capable of; Editing and Mixing Sound Editing Videos Editing Photographs.

Research various MOBILE APPS that are capable of; Editing and Mixing Sound Editing Videos Editing Photographs. In a word document list at least 3 apps for each option listed above. Provide a detailed description of each. Indicate if they are compatible with all mobile operating systems and if not, with which OS they are not […]

Think of an important peer relationship in your life that leaves you feeling under-benefited.Think of an important peer relationship in your life that leaves you feeling under-benefited.

Think of an important peer relationship in your life that leaves you feeling under-benefited. Create a cost/benefit analysis of the relationship as if the analysis were a speech you were going to give to the other person. This could be your            relationship with a close friend, a romantic partner, a […]

PR Folio: You are to apply your communications skills to develop a PR folio comprising: A media release, A media pitch, Speaking notes for a media event, Two social media posts(with images)PR Folio: You are to apply your communications skills to develop a PR folio comprising: A media release, A media pitch, Speaking notes for a media event, Two social media posts(with images)

In this assignment, you are to apply your communications skills to develop a PR folio comprising: A media release (400-450 words) A media pitch (100-150 words) Speaking notes for a media event (200-250 words) Two social media posts* (Images are needed) *Please adhere to platform content guidelines (eg: 280-character maximum for Twitter) You may base your […]

write finding part of research about Instagram’s Effect on BU Undergraduate Students’ Study Behaviorwrite finding part of research about Instagram’s Effect on BU Undergraduate Students’ Study Behavior

write only finding part about research: Instagram’s Effect on BU Undergraduate Students’ Study Behavior. you will have the survey result, and i will give you the points you need you mention in the finding.  i will also give you the notes for focus group later and you need to write a conclusion about it. you dont […]

How do filters on Snapchat and Instagram affect young women’s (ages 13-22) body image and how is this different from print media?How do filters on Snapchat and Instagram affect young women’s (ages 13-22) body image and how is this different from print media?

our final Research Paper should begin by making an argument that answers or addresses your central research question (a “thesis”). The main body of the Research Paper should provide a synthesis of your research and use that research as evidence to build an argument in support of your overall thesis. Research papers should conclude by […]

Describe and provide a detailed explanation and summary of mass communication theories, free expression, journalism, and fake news issues.Describe and provide a detailed explanation and summary of mass communication theories, free expression, journalism, and fake news issues.

The Final Project is a 15-20 page essay summarizing: 1. 1. the various media effects theories 2. issues regarding free expression as detailed in Chapter 16 3. issues regarding journalism and fake news as detailed in Chapter 14 and the Case Study section Reminder: All written work must comply with Standard English rules, such as […]

The goal of this assignment is for you to analyze an interpersonal interaction of your choosing by applying course concepts and theories.The goal of this assignment is for you to analyze an interpersonal interaction of your choosing by applying course concepts and theories.

Purpose: The goal of this assignment is for you to analyze an interpersonal interaction of your choosing by applying course concepts and theories. Task: Write a 3-4 page APA-style paper that analyzes the film – Fight Club (1999) Directed by David Fincher. Address the following information: Identify the film in your paper. Select between 2 and […]

Although media fan cultures often define themselves through opposition, one of their defining features is their internal conformity. Discuss.Although media fan cultures often define themselves through opposition, one of their defining features is their internal conformity. Discuss.

please use Defining Cult Movies: The Cultural Politics of Oppositional Tastes Chapter 12. thank you. link to book: https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=cVVxu6D-ARgC&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ViewAPI&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false

Write a critical introduction analysing the key concepts and the evidence Echo Chambers and Filter Bubbles.Write a critical introduction analysing the key concepts and the evidence Echo Chambers and Filter Bubbles.

Write a critical introduction analysing the key concepts and the evidence Echo Chambers and Filter Bubbles. -critically evaluate the positives and negatives. -include the similarities and differences of two similar concepts (e.g. Echo Chambers and Filter Bubbles) A critical introduction is an essay that explains a topic to someone who hasn’t heard about it before […]