Discipline: Communications and Media

Explain how technology has affected the communication process both positively and negatively.Explain how technology has affected the communication process both positively and negatively.

Explain how technology has affected the communication process both positively and negatively.  Students must support their assertions using two (2) scholarly sources. Scholarly sources include the course textbook (as listed on the course syllabus) and full-text, peer-reviewed/scholarly articles found within Liberty’s online library database. A complete reference list, which does not contribute to the word […]

Choose any political event in the last 5 years (COVID-19) anddiscuss how it was amplified, positioned, altered, or changed via digital mediaChoose any political event in the last 5 years (COVID-19) anddiscuss how it was amplified, positioned, altered, or changed via digital media

INtroduction:  Body Paragraph 1: Amplification of COVID-19 via Digital Media Digital media has played a critical role in amplifying the COVID-19 pandemic. Social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, have enabled the rapid dissemination of information about the pandemic. This has helped to increase awareness of the virus, the need for social distancing, […]

you will be asked to complete a media audit of a situation that involves a person, event, or organization. (The situation must have taken place in the past 10 years). You will look at all aspects of mass communication related to this instance.you will be asked to complete a media audit of a situation that involves a person, event, or organization. (The situation must have taken place in the past 10 years). You will look at all aspects of mass communication related to this instance.

For this project, I have chosen to audit Lia Thomas. Lia Thomas is a transgender swimmer who has been at the center of a controversy over her participation in college swimming competitions. She has been  competing for the University of Pennsylvania’s women’s swim team, and her participation has sparked  debate about the inclusion of transgender […]

Argumentative Essay of at least two of the authors provided and how different media forms impact the kinds of messages that can be communicated.Argumentative Essay of at least two of the authors provided and how different media forms impact the kinds of messages that can be communicated.

In your essay, you will discuss the ideas of at least two of the authors(Tocqueville, Barbie Zelizer, Nicholas Lemann, George Anastaplo)and how different media forms impact the kinds of messages that can be communicated through these forms or the kinds of responses and thoughts that are elicited in those who receive these messages. In order […]

Write an essay on the Networked society and You must then compare the The Network Society with two alternative perspectives, which is Post-industrialism refer to Daniel Bell’s work and the The Platform SocietyWrite an essay on the Networked society and You must then compare the The Network Society with two alternative perspectives, which is Post-industrialism refer to Daniel Bell’s work and the The Platform Society

You must write about The Network Society and refer to Manuel Castells work on it and contextualise it (who, where, when, what), you must explain its main concepts, and discuss how this perspective can be used to understand the society in which we live and its main changes. You must focus on both the pros […]

final paper on U.S. company (Walmart) and its diversity and inclusion 1) your personal interest in the company and 2) the accolades the company has received because of their recent diversity and inclusion initiativesfinal paper on U.S. company (Walmart) and its diversity and inclusion 1) your personal interest in the company and 2) the accolades the company has received because of their recent diversity and inclusion initiatives

-A brief background about the organization and its main business (Company is Walmart) -The company’s motivation for implementing inclusive practices (e.g., major lawsuit, CEO’s vision, etc.) [Be certain to identify the issue or problem that is being overcome by the inclusive practices] -The nature and extent of the inclusive programs and practices – analyze the […]

This part of the Capstone Project will require you to reflect on your capstone project case ( the 2022 World Cup)and what you learned so far about media literacy.This part of the Capstone Project will require you to reflect on your capstone project case ( the 2022 World Cup)and what you learned so far about media literacy.

How did the process of researching influence your understanding as it relates to media literacy? Explain how you became more media literate after researching your topic. Expound on how your view shifted as it relates to media literacy after completing this project. Describe how the project ( the 2022 world cup) changed your perspective on […]

“For The Players Since 1995” is the Ad on youtube. use the method we discussed to find “the story under the story.” What idea or ideas that we totally take for granted and don’t really notice does the ad demonstrate our culture believes in?“For The Players Since 1995” is the Ad on youtube. use the method we discussed to find “the story under the story.” What idea or ideas that we totally take for granted and don’t really notice does the ad demonstrate our culture believes in?

Grammar   don’t: confuse affect and effect   don’t: confuse their, they’re and there   don’t: confuse you’re and your   don’t: confuse its and it’s   don’t: confuse then and than   don’t: write “media” as singular—a single medium, multiple media   don’t: use semicolons unless you know how (the same goes for colons) […]

Describe how social listening is being effectively used by an organization. M6 DiscussionDescribe how social listening is being effectively used by an organization. M6 Discussion

Describe how social listening is being effectively used by an organization. Please see the attchment and the Links to an external site. Tuten, T. L., & Solomon, M. R. (2018). Chapter 9 McDonald’s hopes new social media question-and-answer will modify food image Links to an external site. Passikoff, R. (2014, October 14). McDonald’s hopes new […]

representation of violence on television screens in 1960s (Vietnam war, Detroit civic unrest, etc)representation of violence on television screens in 1960s (Vietnam war, Detroit civic unrest, etc)

Discuss the representation of violence on television screens: TV news/special reports of Vietnam and/or civic unrest (Detroit, demonstrations, etc.). You may also include political advertising and dramas in your discussion. Dramas that can be used: bewitched, batman, dark shadows trilogy of terror, speed racer, I dream of jeannie, the patty duke show (all from the […]