Discipline: Communications and Media

RHETORICAL ANALYSIS of INTERNET COMMUNICATION – National Telecommunications and Information AdministrationRHETORICAL ANALYSIS of INTERNET COMMUNICATION – National Telecommunications and Information Administration

Please begin by identifying a complex instance of persuasive communication that depends, in part, on the features of the Internet in order to persuade. You might, for example, choose a political website that promotes a high level of interaction between supporters of a particular position or candidate. You might review the activities of a Reddit […]

Persuasive Speech Outline: why the FDA should change its regulations and how to follow proper effectiveness and medical care.Persuasive Speech Outline: why the FDA should change its regulations and how to follow proper effectiveness and medical care.

– The outline Template I have attached is the form everything has to go in. Be very specific on each and every points  – I also want to keep the same topic: because that’s what I said I was doing to my professor and my classmates – Please put words I can easily pronounce while […]

how the Internet system, in general, and social media, in particular, empowered people but also posed moral dilemmas for the users, especially socio-culturally and politically.how the Internet system, in general, and social media, in particular, empowered people but also posed moral dilemmas for the users, especially socio-culturally and politically.

Subject Matter:   Question: Briefly state (point by point) how the Internet system, in general, and social media, in particular, empowered people but also posed moral dilemmas for the users, especially socio-culturally and politically. Make two main parts:  Part-I: Empowerment Part-II: Dilemmas   Tips: Read Chapters: Broadcast media—Radio-TV, Mobile Apps (especially the Internet and Social […]

Sports and racism, how sports have helped and/or hurt the racial barriers throughout the world.Sports and racism, how sports have helped and/or hurt the racial barriers throughout the world.

You may focus on the broad relationship between sports and an issue of social identity (for example, what role does (has) sports play(ed) in changing, reflecting, or reinforcing racial or gender differences in America. You might discuss relationships between sport and social identity based on your own experiences and supported by external research, or discuss […]

Research Methods/ extended abstract- Relationship between Athleticism and Academic PerformanceResearch Methods/ extended abstract- Relationship between Athleticism and Academic Performance

Overview: This short paper requires you to apply what you have learned from the peer-reviewed academic  journal articles in your Annotated Bibliography. The goal is to summarize what is known about hypothesis/and  or research questions based on your literature search.  Guidelines: In 2-3 pages using APA or MLA format, students should provide a succint but […]

Speech Analysis over TED Talk on 4 ways to redefine power at work to include women of colorSpeech Analysis over TED Talk on 4 ways to redefine power at work to include women of color

Please do the analysis over this TED Talk. https://www.ted.com/talks/rha_goddess_and_deepa_purushothaman_4_ways_to_redefine_power_at_work_to_include_women_of_color Speech Analysis For this assignment you will choose a TED talk (can be found on Youtube) on the topic of your choice and evaluate it. The talk needs to be at least 10 minutes long. Also, choose a topic you enjoy, since you will more likely […]

role/effects of new media technologies in commercialization of online dating in 21st centuryrole/effects of new media technologies in commercialization of online dating in 21st century

In this course section, the research paper will require students to choose an area of society that they feel has been/is currently being shaped by new media and technological advancement.  Using course terms/concepts, and outside research, your paper will discuss how new/interactive media technologies have altered this societal realm. You will be required to craft […]

How are young black youth becoming negatively emotionally affected by BLM and the attack on black people?How are young black youth becoming negatively emotionally affected by BLM and the attack on black people?

Write a proposal that includes: • A refined topic/object of study and research questions; • An argument; • A justification for your topic and object of study in the context of cultural studies that makes an original contribution to the field; • A detailed section explaining what cultural studies methods you will employ; and how […]

Large language models, like GPT, has had negative impacts on human relationshipsLarge language models, like GPT, has had negative impacts on human relationships

Thesis: The development and deployment of large language models, like GPT, have had negative impacts on human relationships by fueling the spread of disinformation, exacerbating biases and inequalities, and undermining our ability to communicate and connect with one another authentically. These models, while promising in many respects, must be subject to greater scrutiny and regulation […]

Persuasive Speech (Instructions) LENGTH:Your presentation will last two minutes OUTLINE:You will turn in a complete sentence outline in the next assignment link REFERENCES:You should have at least two credible references in your bibliographyPersuasive Speech (Instructions) LENGTH:Your presentation will last two minutes OUTLINE:You will turn in a complete sentence outline in the next assignment link REFERENCES:You should have at least two credible references in your bibliography

You will persuade your audience (the class) to be interested/motivated to purchase a product based on the following criteria. real (something we can see and touch) legal be able to purchase online or in a local store current retail price- $1 to $500 US not anything living, like a pet etc. not a weapon of […]