Discipline: Communications and Media

Essay of 2000 words on a topic of your choice. The list of topics can be found in the File.Essay of 2000 words on a topic of your choice. The list of topics can be found in the File.

Assignment Content 2 – Essay 2 (50%) – Students are required to write a 2,000 words (excluding footnotes or references) essay on a topic chosen from the syllabus. The essay should present an argument, and therefore a discussion of counterarguments is a necessary requirement. Your argument should be evidence based. In other words, the essay […]

firing of employees for expressing their political beliefs. Should employers have such powers over their employees?firing of employees for expressing their political beliefs. Should employers have such powers over their employees?

Book pages in the attachment The textbook discussed the firing of employees for expressing their political beliefs. Should employers have such powers over their employees? Consider the cases listed in the section on corporate controls (pp.35 -37). In any of the cases was the employer justified? Instructions for posting and commenting In your response to […]

G 7 ( week 10): Citizenship. Gender, Sexuality and Identity Politics. Group Google DocG 7 ( week 10): Citizenship. Gender, Sexuality and Identity Politics. Group Google Doc

Class Discussion Questions on Walby and Plummer Sylvia Walby’s key concepts: Define these for your notes. Patriarchy, Compulsory Heterosexuality, Feminism. Walby has written many books on patriarchy. In this article, she builds her thesis on a critique of previous citizenship scholarship that neglected gender analysis.  1. What does she identify as the limitations of (Marshall/Mann/Turner) […]

Real Estate ( Managing the purchase, sale, rental, or development of properties).Real Estate ( Managing the purchase, sale, rental, or development of properties).

Goal: Demonstrate the ability to create a final project that uses both research-based and personal content while using presentation software to communicate with an intended audience.  Description: During the first six-weeks you formulated a project plan, researched the content of the plan, and collected quality academic and non-academic sources. For the week 7 Final Project […]

Persuasive Speech/The Impact of Parent-Child Separation at the Border shouldn’t be done.Persuasive Speech/The Impact of Parent-Child Separation at the Border shouldn’t be done.

Alignment An outline prepares you for delivering a persuasive speech, which normally involves following a series of steps in a process. Upon completion of this assignment you should be able to: Prepare an outline for a persuasive speech. Resources Textbook: Public Speaking: An Audience-Centered Approach Alignment An outline prepares you for delivering a persuasive speech, […]

Find a thread, topic or hashtag on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook (or other social media site) in which there appears to be dominant political opinions or trends.Find a thread, topic or hashtag on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook (or other social media site) in which there appears to be dominant political opinions or trends.

Find a thread, topic or hashtag on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook (or other social media site) in which there appears to be dominant political opinions or trends. In a discussion post, analyze those trends, look at broader public opinions on the issue, and analyze the differences in opinions based on what research has found.Find a […]

Is joining the digital media platform industry a recommended option for a full-time mom who wants to develop a side hustle to restore her family’s economy, which has declined due to the pandemic?Is joining the digital media platform industry a recommended option for a full-time mom who wants to develop a side hustle to restore her family’s economy, which has declined due to the pandemic?

I have an outline that is not very good. But asked to write a term paper based on this preliminary outline. It’s more like revising or Improving my outline. Regarding scholarly sources, three of the eight are assigned reading. And I can provide those readings. Please talk to me for more details……

Report on Strictly Business Body Language: Using NonVerbal communication for power and successReport on Strictly Business Body Language: Using NonVerbal communication for power and success

Write a report summarizing Strictly Business Body Language: Using Nonverbal Communication for Power and Success: You will be asked to write a paper to measure your ability to communicate information in an effective written manner. You will be expected to follow the example in Figure 11-2 on pages 212 through 219 of our textbook (Effective […]

find a business leader who you admire and select one speech made by that person. Then, tell us if it would be more appropriate to analyze that speech by focusing on the content or the delivery.find a business leader who you admire and select one speech made by that person. Then, tell us if it would be more appropriate to analyze that speech by focusing on the content or the delivery.

First, find a business leader who you admire and select one speech made by that person. Then, tell us if it would be more appropriate to analyze that speech by focusing on the content or the delivery. In your posting, please: 1) Tell us who your business leader is. 2) Give us a hyper link […]

Media plays a large role in influencing and dictating others’ behaviors and thoughts, especially in the case of public figures like Kyrie Irving. After Irving retweeted a movie labeled anti-semeticMedia plays a large role in influencing and dictating others’ behaviors and thoughts, especially in the case of public figures like Kyrie Irving. After Irving retweeted a movie labeled anti-semetic

The cultural analysis paper must be 5 pages in Word document format. It must be typed in Times New Roman or Arial, 11 or 12 pt font; double-spaced; have 1-inch margins; adhere to standard MLA style; and have a works cited page. The works cited page is not included in the final page count.  As […]