Discipline: Communications and Media

Does public relations broaden or restrict the range of voices/sources heard in the news? Please discuss using relevant academic literature and examples.Does public relations broaden or restrict the range of voices/sources heard in the news? Please discuss using relevant academic literature and examples.

Learning outcomes: the essay questions for both assignments assess all the learning outcomes of the module. Each question therefore assesses your understanding of key concepts and debates, your ability to use what you have read critically, to develop a substantiated argument, and to critically analyse news and news journalism. Wordcount: your essay can be above […]

Do you think American news media have a bias? If yes, what kind of bias? In favor of whose interests?Do you think American news media have a bias? If yes, what kind of bias? In favor of whose interests?

US politicians have been lobbing charges of media bias since the earliest days of the republic, so it’s easy to see those charges as empty partisan ploys. But most Americans believe media bias is real. Americans are sharply divided along partisan/ideological lines in terms of the news sources they trust or distrust and the media outlets […]

Please review the APA Sample PaperLinks to an external site. from Purdue Online Writing Lab regarding APA format for Assignment 3: Ethics and Communication Paper.Please review the APA Sample PaperLinks to an external site. from Purdue Online Writing Lab regarding APA format for Assignment 3: Ethics and Communication Paper.

Please review the  APA Sample PaperLinks to an external site. from Purdue Online Writing Lab regarding APA format for Assignment 3: Ethics and Communication Paper. When communicating, we make decisions regarding what information to include and what information to exclude from our messages. Communication decisions have legal and ethical dimensions. Business communicators must consider the impact of […]

Description: In this discussion, you will explore gender speech patterns as well as gender differences in politeness.Description: In this discussion, you will explore gender speech patterns as well as gender differences in politeness.

Instructions: Step 1: In your initial post, respond to the following: · Reflect on a time you (or someone you know) were conversing with a friend or loved one when you noticed a positive communication that was an exception to the instrumental/relational gender norm as discussed in DeVito. · Discuss the context and the exceptional […]

Speech Outline – Specific Purpose: To inform your audience about important decisions to make when you are preparing for and delivering an effective informative speech.Speech Outline – Specific Purpose: To inform your audience about important decisions to make when you are preparing for and delivering an effective informative speech.

Topic and General Purpose: Your topic and general purpose are to inform your audience about: How to prepare and present an informative speech (Note: You must use the provided topic, general purpose and specific purpose. ) Demonstrate: Your speech should demonstrate the following elements of speech development for this assignment, based on applying the DECIDE process: Decide on your central […]

Writing Assignment: Memo–Recommendation Report (Unit 05 Professionalism, Teamwork, Meetings, and Speaking Skills)Writing Assignment: Memo–Recommendation Report (Unit 05 Professionalism, Teamwork, Meetings, and Speaking Skills)

Instructions Who are you ? You are a consultant specializing in meeting efficiency and leadership. You were hired by a large off-price apparel and home fashion retailer headquartered in Connecticut to help streamline communication between the company’s national and international divisions. What’s the current situation? Your contacts who hired you, Evelyn Cooper and Elias Dillon, […]

My COM101 teacher asked me to choose a movie to watch and write a paper based on it. I hope you can choose one of the movies “Scene of a Woman 1992” or “The King’s Speech 2010” as the material.My COM101 teacher asked me to choose a movie to watch and write a paper based on it. I hope you can choose one of the movies “Scene of a Woman 1992” or “The King’s Speech 2010” as the material.

My COM101 teacher asked me to choose a movie to watch and write a paper based on it. I hope you can choose one of the movies “Scene of a Woman 1992” or “The King’s Speech 2010” as the material. And I will provide my teacher’s requirements and textbook documents. The total score for this paper […]

Internet User Privacy and Security: Safeguarding Personal Information in the Digital AgeInternet User Privacy and Security: Safeguarding Personal Information in the Digital Age

ADDITIONAL GUIDELINES FOR YOUR FINAL PAPERRemember that this paper is to be written for a lay (non-research) audience.Introduction to Paper1) Try to summarize/preview the main question of your paper in the first paragraph.2) Dedicate a couple of paragraphs to why your topic is important. It is okay to beexplicit by using a paragraph that starts: […]

As described in the film Digital Disconnect, briefly discuss: i) what are filter bubbles? ii) How is the democratic potential of the internet being undermined by the business practices of big tech companies?As described in the film Digital Disconnect, briefly discuss: i) what are filter bubbles? ii) How is the democratic potential of the internet being undermined by the business practices of big tech companies?

– ANSWER THE QUESTION: As described in the film Digital Disconnect by Robert W. McChesney, briefly discuss: i) what are filter bubbles? ii) How is the democratic potential of the internet being undermined by the business practices of big tech companies?   – make sure each slide is a paragraph each and not notes!! – at the end […]

Capstone – Mental Health in the Resturant industry – working with people places and thingsCapstone – Mental Health in the Resturant industry – working with people places and things

As you begin collecting primary data to answer your research questions, you will be completing two separate research reports. Research Report #2 asks you to choose between working with people, places, or things to help answer your research questions. For this project, you can choose to use one of the following methods: survey (of at […]